I'm kind of amazed there hasn't been more of an international outcry over drone strikes.
There is an outcry, human rights orgs have especially been upset recently. But as much as I dislike our drone policy (sidenote: remember when I tried to make a large drone war sticky so it would not be out of sight, out of mind and I was supposedly protecting Obama....yes I am definitely having one of my I told you so moments out loud right now), this quote is decontextualized hearsay that shouldn't make you feel anyway that you didn't feel before. Anyone getting emotional based on this alone needs to quit with the posturing. It was just a means to get views for an article.
As for Obama increasing the drone war, that's a given. Most people took drone war>> over troops on the ground. Though most did not realize just how inaccurate it would be, nor its scope and there lies the moral hazard. As much as the international community wants to complain about it, the rest of the world tacitly condones it because the US acts as their police force so they don't have to commit as many resources to their military and they can instead spend it on their civilians. By the world, I mean their governments, not their citizenry. I don't know why people get caught up in that game. Most drone strikes are launched against people based on communications and interactions they have with certain individuals, when I was in college a professor even brought in a friend from the CIA to demonstrate how mathematical models and networks are used to identify potentially hostile and terrorist networks. He explicitly stated that there was nothing exact about that process alone. Anyone who thought this guy wasn't going to drop bombs wasn't paying attention:
With that said, I still don't know what the alternative to the drone war is, but it obviously sets a dangerous precedent and it devalues the lives of human beings who are away from American shores.