Rolling in the Deep
never heard freeday ain't free nor daughters on the radio
Nas The Don & Daughters. Sent the message that he's the GOAT.
Whats The Don's message?![]()
Sent the message that he's the GOAT.
Pop music is not where children should be getting their "messages" in the first place..people listen to the radio to be the modern era of popular music (60's onward), I'd venture to say that something approaching 90% of all popular songs in radio rotation have been either fairly shallow tracks about relationships (sappy love songs, or ballads, tales of love gone bad, i'm gonna make sweet love to you woman blah blah blah) or dance/party music...I guarantee you any song you have in your head as an example of how prevalent "message" music was on the radio in eras previous are cherry picked classics that were as rare as Nas' Daughters...lost in a sea of "baby baby" or "get down and boogie" songs from back in the day
Like here's a list of songs that were popping some random week like 30 years ago
Anyone want to point the abundance of songs with a "message"
Hip hop has been better in the last 2 years than it has been in the last 6 years or so (and this is coming from a 90's hip hop fan).hip hop any time before 2009 >>>>>
they actually used to play HIP-HOP.. on the radio
nw on the "HIP-HOP" station we got katy perry.. justin beiber etc.... on the fukkIN HIP-HOP STATION....
the "hip-hop" they play now isits not even hip-hop.. its rnb/pop.. every "rap" song has a RnB hook EVERYONE!>..