It boggles me that some of you would notice racial issues on an event like this. Like I said some people are always on the prowl for racism and thats why thats all they ever see.
Has the 2020 Olympics been awarded yet? Im tired of only the big countries getting the Olympics and all the money. What about the folks that really need it. China aint hurtig financially. IK aint hurting. U.S. aint hurting. WTF.
I don't think he was noticing racial issues but just contrasting with how it would be different if usa was doing the open ceremony. I was surprised myself that a interracial family was featured so prominently being that in the U.S such a thing would never happen because racist would complain.(but obviously the UK is better than the USA in that regards.)
Hell they complained when there was an interracial couple on a magazine cover could you imagine the uproar if there was a black male white female family being intimate with kids on a worldstage as big as the olympics in the states? It just wouldn't happen over here.