In all seriousness, those comparing it to Beijing doesn't really 'get' it.
Beijing was about more than the olympics, it was a show of power and wealth, it was China letting the world know they mean business, not just in sport but in everything. It was basically them puffing their chest out and banging on it, marking their territory.
Britain didn't need to and had no interest in doing that. It cost a fraction of what beijing cost and featured i think an 8th of the people. It was about celebrating a select few aspects of our past and present. The industrial revolution, the NHS, our literature. It celebrated our music of the past and our current music, shining a light on our multiculturalism along with it.
I wasn't a huge fan of some of the segments but some of them were stunning. The very opening with the kids singing jerusalem, then cutting to N.Ireland/Scotland/Wales, i thought was beautiful. But that was certainly a part which was meant for us, not the rest of the world.
And i can't believe they cut out the tribute the bombing victims from the day after it was announced we won the games. Emeli Sande singing abide with me, it was a surreal and beautiful segment, but i'm lead to believe wasn't even shown on US tv
All in all i was extremely impressed and it massively surpassed my (admittedly low)expectations.