Last Night A Girl Squirted In My Mouth & I Can Confirn It Is Not Pee!!!


Jan 4, 2017
dude its pee...there is no hidden reservoir of liquid in a woman's body to "ejaculate" during sex

stop swallowed urine

Conclusions: The present data based on ultrasonographic bladder monitoring and biochemical analyses indicate that squirting is essentially the involuntary emission of urine during sexual activity, although a marginal contribution of prostatic secretions to the emitted fluid often exists.

Bro... I have a running joke about people believing scientists just because they are scientist... But scientists are fukkin nerds, who never actually go outside to live life. They never had sex before... They have to do lab test to research shyt, that people who actually get p*ssy know for certain.

Everything with them is confirmation bias too..
I use the "squirting" thing as an example.

Let's call this... "The Brief History Of Squirting"

When I was coming up, the "female ejaculation" thing was a myth. A joke in certain circles. Some men claim to have seen it. Some women claim to have done it. But the world didn't believe it.
Science never acknowledged it.

Fast forward to like the 2000s and women are more vocal. Feminism and the female sexual revolution had been in full swing for awhile now. Porn is something everyone is watching openly. So You can see bytches squirting like crazy in the videos.
So now it's not a secret. Modern medicine and scientists have to address this phenomenon.
But Because they don't actually get p*ssy. And they pretty much just dismissed it before as a myth.
They have to double down now and say that what we see in porn movies is CGI or movie tricks (I'm not making this shyt up lol)
They dismiss it again.
Women are getting frustrated because men and society still aren't listening. They are able to do something with their bodies and science isn't taking them seriously.

Fast forward to about 10yrs ago. Society has changed more. Women are talking way more about their sexual experiences. They are getting more comfortable with their bodies.
People are listening.
Everything is wide open now. And the conversation about squirting has become pretty much normal conversation.
The medical community has to seriously address this phenomenon now. They start doing studies. Experiments and shyt....
They find out that "OH, shyt... This is a real thing.
But where is it coming from? What is it made of?"
They trace it back to the bladder and another gland. But even if a woman empties her bladder. If shes about to squirt, the bladder fills back up with fluid and she releases it.

They test the fluid and of course they say... It's made up of all urine. Which is a lie because they are going to look stupid. Basically doubling down, then doubling down again on the fact that they don't know what the fukk they are talking about.
And they still can't figure out the human body.

First they don't acknowledge it. Then say it's not real when you saw it in porn. Now they just gonna say it's happening but these bytches are retarded. Grown women are just peeing on themselves.

Any man that has made women squirt and any woman who can squirt will tell you, it ain't urine.
Could it have some urine in it? maybe a little because of the area it's coming from but it's something totally different.

Its almost like water. Almost orderless. Some women have a lil more smell than others. But it doesn't smell for like pee.

I've been fascinated by this area of study (Squirtology) and made squirt my life's work since the first time I made a woman "squirt" or "gush". (you have creamers, squirters and gushers)

My first time scared the fukk out of me. Shorty released what look something like pouring a half of gallon of water on the bed.
Ive been intrigued ever since
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The Coli's Ralph Ellison
Oct 31, 2012
Old Brooklyn
I don’t know about that

Once I did a girl anal & there was a smell in the air in that room similar to a men’s bathroom
The fukk?! :dead:

Nah, that means either you really weren't immersed into the shyt or... The jawn really had sewage water running through her veins :skip:


Jan 7, 2015
So it was quite a bit of squirt & it was two squirts
I swallowed for research purposes & can confirm in no way is it pee.

It was thinner than pee, ordorless & tasteless pretty much

In other words as a first responder I can confirm there are zero similarities with pee other than it coming from the bladder.

Welcome brother to the dark side :banderas: :blessed:


Jun 22, 2012
In the sky
thinner than piss HA...?