Not giving up frank AND a first. No thanks.
What a horrible trade for all parties involved
Wolves take on Noah w/o any kind of draft pick considerations

Blazers take on Wiggins AND Deng

Lake show wouldn't even include BI or Kuz for Kawhi and have made it adamantly clear they wont use BI, Kuz or any other member of that young core to dump Deng, but here they are willing to do just that to acquire Lillard and Lance fukkin Thomas. Also, giving up 2 very recent top 3 picks for a potential but uncertain top 5 pick?

Knicks give up whats essentially an expiring in LFT, Frank, and a future 1st rd pick likely to be a high lottery pick. All this for a former Thibs guy soon to be on the wrong side of 30, coming off recent knee injury, and who evidently likes to disparage his teammates, in particular his younger teammates, in the press. And Aminu, who's essentially a younger version of LFT that can put the ball on the floor w/o turning it over. Truthfully speaking I love Jimmy's game but he is a 2nd tier/B level all star player that thinks hes a lot better than what he actually is, given his age and history this is the type of move that we've all seen end in disaster (Mcdyss trade, Amare signing w/o an insurance clause, Melo trade; yeah we had a few good seasons with him but when he first got here it was just a soon to be hobbled Amare [who he didnt fit well with playing wise even when he was healthy] and a bunch of scrubs b/c we emptied out the cupboard just to get him instead of waiting a few months to get him as a FA, the Noah signing, etc,etc). This right here harkens right back to the classic "Knicks gunna Knick" move that has plagued this franchise for the better part of two decades. Nah....Jimmy aint worth all that and Idc to have the younger version of LFT on the squad in Aminu, even if it is just for 1 year the answer is still no
Hard pass on all of that
And the dumb ass fakkit that came up with this trade prospal should kill himself, fukkin idiot