Idk what to tell you bro.
if you cant differentiate between project(noun) and project(verb) theres no point in having this conversation.
Not every player comes into the league with the same floors and ceilings
knox from the looks of it may have an already high floor...with potential of a very high ceiling
will knox be the same player he is in 5 years? there's levels.
Just like some players have a larger hit or miss chance. like frank in your eyes. franks floor was low coming into the league but he has a high ceiling.
progression is subjective...you never know how someone can ultimately pan out.....which is why ....I quote myself here........I said "projects out to possibly being...."
mikal has a lower ceiling because he is 22 (4 years older than knox) he's further along in his development and plays solid defense.....but those things I named makes his floor high for a rookie.
mikal bridges would not be described as a project.
mikal bridges is more likely to be exactly who he is 5 years from now.