LaMelo Ball says he didn’t look up to LeBron like Lonzo did & Bron went & posted this :troll:

Sep 15, 2012
You're either an expert troll or retarded. I'm done arguing with such illogical counter-arguments.
@madness has been a masisi since day one. He truly thinks in his delusional mind that cheap rings won with multiple super teams puts Bron in the same breath as mj and Kobe. :mjlol:

Shannon sharp put the battery pack in these stans backs. Just because you keep repeating something doesn’t make it true :umad:


Taking my talents to South Beach
May 26, 2012
City of Zoes
@madness has been a masisi since day one. He truly thinks in his delusional mind that cheap rings won with multiple super teams puts Bron in the same breath as mj and Kobe. :mjlol:

Shannon sharp put the battery pack in these stans backs. Just because you keep repeating something doesn’t make it true :umad:
I’m on your mind first thing in the morning. Your day is already ruined:blessed:


RIP to the GOAT
Jul 27, 2015
People have tried to walk around eggshells around them and not engage in back and forth with them since their idol died, but these arrogant a$$holes keep stirring the pot. They're the same losers who were all "We're not going to hate on Lebron anymore now that Kobe is dead, life is too short:mjcry:" and that lasted about 2 weeks before they were right back up to their usual antics :mjlol:

Walking on eggshells :laff: So now nikkas are walking on eggshells cuz they get called out for calling Kobe a rapist :laff: this place is pathetic


RIP to the GOAT
Jul 27, 2015
A few of you, like @O.T.I.S. and yourslef try to act like youre defending the honor of Kobes legacy or some shyt from the plight of Bron stans. Yall act like the slandering of Kobes character along with a dedicated decade plus propaganda campaign is the reason why people think Lebron is better.

the only thing I've done in this thread is defend Kobe being called a rapist. Stop fukking deflecting that shyt is DISGUSTING. Just earlier this week a breh complained that Bron's injury thread wasn't stickied as long as Kobe's memorial thread, GIVE ME A BREAK. Certain nikkas here been mad at Kobe getting love from Day 1 and THATS A FACT. Why it the same Bron stans like @madness @murksiderock etc making all the negative posts and dapping up the all the hate posts since Kobe died? It's not like it's all Bron fans, most of them are cool cuz like YOU said I be praising Bron's Laker status on here ALL THE TIME. It's just a handful of nikkas and I call them out specifically

Stop acting like Kobe fans be overreacting. Breh in here said straight up "Kobe raped that cac" and brehs cosigned it and i called it out. You in here acting about their anti-LeGBT the fukk up :camby:


RIP to the GOAT
Jul 27, 2015
:mjtf:You get lumped in because you have 38 posts on here defending Lebron.

He;s not even defending Bron....most of this posts on his thread have been him Juelzing about why he dapped up a post calling Kobe a rapist. Then he finally comes out with it and says it was okay to call Kobe a rapist when he was alive.....but of course @Marc Spector doesn't wanna address that kinda shyt when hes typing essays at me about kobe fan behavior....


RIP to the GOAT
Jul 27, 2015
The IG post was funny trolling, it’s not that fukkin serious. Let Bron breathe he’s done FAR worse shyt to be criticized over. And Melo not obligated to look up to him that’s his choice. The fact that we all couldn’t just laugh at the pettiness and obvious baiting speaks volumes.

But y’all clowns that had the nerve to slander Kobe are absolute full blown faggits fukk you and fukk everything you love and stand for. As far as I’m concerned y’all can drop the fake shyt and stop frontin like you sad Kobe dead if y’all gon bring up cac talkin points like Colorado. bytch ass nikkaz fukk y’all fr.

facts and look @ certain dudes like @Marc Spector and @JordanwiththeWiz completely ignoring it and deflecting that shyt back to e

These brehs passive aggressive just like their boy.....if the they think Kobe fans being sad over his death is funny and they think breh is a rapist just say it......several brehs in here straight up ignoring that shyt and throwing salt at me instead......

breh @Marc Spector really acting like clowning Bron/Melo IG shyt and calling Kobe a rapist of a racist cac is the same "slander" can't make this up :wow:

Marc Spector

the 4'11 Cuban
Aug 7, 2014
The Milky Way
facts and look @ certain dudes like @Marc Spector and @JordanwiththeWiz completely ignoring it and deflecting that shyt back to e

These brehs passive aggressive just like their boy.....if the they think Kobe fans being sad over his death is funny and they think breh is a rapist just say it......several brehs in here straight up ignoring that shyt and throwing salt at me instead......

breh @Marc Spector really acting like clowning Bron/Melo IG shyt and calling Kobe a rapist of a racist cac is the same "slander" can't make this up :wow:

my entire point was,

when people take the debate away from the basketball shyt and make it personal....and throw shots at someones past or character ....

Why are you surprised when folks throw 4 back?

How about we dont cosign that bullshyt whether implicitly or explicitly (which is what you did when you dapped up that post for instance)

Like lets not act like the Bron slander hasnt been just about the IG post.

Bron has been called a CCP agent and nike shill, fatherless (which we know is a term meant to imply hes a lesser man); many times by many posters on here (@TradePascalSiakam used to be good for that), emasculated for his mother thotting around with Delonte and Lambo and thats scratching the surface. We can find countless posts on here, JUST LIKE THIS ONE, literally making up ways to insult his character for the most innocent of actions.

nikkas tried to even call him a grandstanding bytch about opening a school to help underprivileged kids :mjlol:

My point is, if thats the culture of basketball discourse you cultivate, dont be a hypocritical a$$hole when the table is turned. And especially dont cry about it because Kobe is dead either, because if anything his death shouldve taught us we ALL can go at anytime so why even have these gay ass slap fights? :yeshrug:. Either enjoy the fukking basketball or sit down and shut the fukk up...anything else is extra.


Feb 12, 2017
SMF and LAX to VA and NC

the only thing I've done in this thread is defend Kobe being called a rapist. Stop fukking deflecting that shyt is DISGUSTING. Just earlier this week a breh complained that Bron's injury thread wasn't stickied as long as Kobe's memorial thread, GIVE ME A BREAK. Certain nikkas here been mad at Kobe getting love from Day 1 and THATS A FACT. Why it the same Bron stans like @madness @murksiderock etc making all the negative posts and dapping up the all the hate posts since Kobe died? It's not like it's all Bron fans, most of them are cool cuz like YOU said I be praising Bron's Laker status on here ALL THE TIME. It's just a handful of nikkas and I call them out specifically

Stop acting like Kobe fans be overreacting. Breh in here said straight up "Kobe raped that cac" and brehs cosigned it and i called it out. You in here acting about their anti-LeGBT the fukk up :camby:

Gotdamn you're an emotional nikka, how old are you, g?

I've never said Kobe was a rapist, I've never dapped anyone's post that Kobe was a rapist, and no one can co-sign you on that because there is no post to be found of me doing that. If I felt that way I'd stand on it the same way I stand on everything else I say, your keyboard warrior Tourette syndrome shyt isn't shaking nobody...

But I dont feel that way, which is why I have never said it nor agreed with comments saying he is a rapist...

I can separate that I may feel differently about a particular thing than someone else does, and it doesn't bother me. You nikkas tell on yourselves on here, nikkas disagree with you on basketball topics and you go left with the name calling and keyboard banging. You soft my guy, everything I've ever had negative to say about Kobe is within the context of basketball critiquing, nothing less or more. Because much of sports isn't objective, people watch the same players and games and analyze and interpret it differently...

I dap posts that I feel make sense, same as you do, yet I'm not on a rant about you being a habitual immature clown when somebody critiques Kobe in a basketball sense...

You're a pretty quality poster as long as the subject isn't Kobe Bryant. Go get some help, get a girlfriend, get some money, get a life my nikka. Don't tag me into some dumb ass shyt like this, I aint even post in this dumb ass thread with yall nikkas going back and forth...