You see it. Fam you still live in the DMV? I'm hoping to land a job there for after law school. Where would you recommend a young professional live out there? Not for next summer obviously because I'd just be swapping spots with another law student probably, but I was just curious.
Depends on what your looking for. If you got the bread then gentrified parts of DC give you the city life with a little more safety than there was in the past. If you want more privacy then MD and VA are a better option. Basically:
Live spots(As in near bars or some type of shopping/activities):
U Street in NW
H Street in NE gettin better
Old Town Alexandria, VA if you like white girls
Downtown Silver Spring, MD (Just look out for Mo County feds)
National Harbor, MD (Bout to open up some casinos)
Chill spots:
LeDroit Park in NW(Tricky cuz still some thug nikkaz robbin out there, but this is where you'll see a lot of the Howard girls)
Tribeca off Branch Ave in Suitland, MD (It's this group of high rises, townhomes, and terrace-ish apartments off the beltway. A lot of young professionals, every girl I seen that lived there was a dime, Delonte West live in one of the townhomes.)
Arlington, VA (Spots on Glebe Rd near 395 are your best shot)
I dunno, it's all about your bread, your commute, and what you lookin for. Good luck on the job tho, this the place to be for law.