Media day's coming...
Can't wait. I'll get to bounce around from place to place this season.
I never got around to asking when I was on SOHH, but what do you do? I remember you were updating the labor stuff like you were in the meetings or in the hotel lobby or something.
whats up wit our guard situation--- we need one more combo guard.
^^ cosign 100 percent.
i even said something similar earlier in this thread.. first i wanted mayo.. then delonte then nate.. now all we got left is barbosa--- but its not lookin like its gon happen.
We need a PG who can run with that 2nd unit, Blake ain't gonna cut it and Morris is F'n Garbage.
Nate Robinson or Delonte West would have been perfect.
That fukkin lobby. I swear. I pass by that hotel whenever I go visit my cousin who works nearby. NBA writing and research. Just getting more years under my belt. I work closer to some teams than others in regards to working with respective teams' beat writers.