Joe McDonnell ‏@joeontheradio
Orlando's new GM thinks he can get Dwight Howard to change his mind and stay. Otherwise-a source tells me-the Laker deal would nearly b done
David Aldridge ‏@daldridgetnt
Jamison won't officially sign w/Lakers until he returns from Italy trip. Team wants to speak w/him before signing. Will be for vet minimum.
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matt barnes never popped off
David Aldridge ‏@daldridgetnt
Other teams have exceptions to offer Jamison, but he wants to play for a contender. Will only take minimum for Lakers, no one else.
Matt Barnes had goon tendencies but he was never a certified basket case like them other guys.
Delonte and Ron have legitimate mental issues and there HAS to be something wrong with Robinson for a player that talented to be getting no attention in free agency.
Stern gonna bewhen it happens