Ladies who had relaxers and are now natural


All Star
Jan 17, 2016
No mater what relaxer I used my hair never got bone straight. Ever. Affirm would make it very loose but again never straight. As I got older and had to start paying for it myself I felt like it was pointless to pay for a relaxer and still have to flat iron my hair when I could just pay for the flat iron.

I always thought it was wierd because my hair is 3B. You would think my hair would get real straight with a relaxer but nope.
I hear you! It's interesting to me to see how different peoples' hair responds to the same product differently. I even notice it a lot with natural hair products. Even my own hair doesn't respond the same to the same products it did when I had short hair! It's always a journey.

A good flat iron is worth the investment! With the right products and technique, you can get your hair bone straight or pretty close to it!