That's interesting to me! I don't blow dry my hair after I dry it unless I'm trying to do a blow out or am going to flat iron. I do sit under the dryer for deep conditioning treatments and drying wet sets though. At least in the winter, because I'm not walking out of the house with wet hair. I also despise going to bed with wet hair because it makes my scalp itch! I can't do all this "greenhouse method" baggying stuff on YouTube... Uh uh, I tried it twice and my scalp was pissed. I transitioned the first time I was trying to "go natural" then ended up relaxing it after 4 months. That was December 2011, in February 2012, I had emergency brain surgery, cut off the rest of my hair March 2012, and I haven't had a relaxer since. But I do try to flat iron it as straight as possible for actual cuts. I had 2 inches taken off last month and some shaping done because I had some wacky layers in there. My stylist is good, and she's the only person besides my mom and one other stylist who has ever taken scissors to my hair. She can do dust trims on my hair when it's just blown out (it's huge too) but for cuts, we both feel safer if it's as flat and straight as possible.
Whoa you had brain surgery? That's crazy. I probably wouldn't get another relaxer after that either, there are a lot of scary stories about what the chemicals can do but I aint about that natural life. I tried it last year but my hair is way too thick for it + I take care of it myself the majority of the time so putting in all the work got to me and eventually I went back to the relaxers. However, I don't use them as much. I only got one last year and I'll probably only get one, maybe two this year.