It's easier for men to be hoes cause sex doesn't affect our body and does no damage
Unlike females
Shyt takes a toll
Actually it takes a toll on your soul, your conscience and your ability to form meaningful bonds with a woman. Hence that OLD playa in the club that spent his younger years running from woman to woman only to end up old, bitter and alone and instead of having a good woman at home, he's got to PAY for female "companionship."
Men live longer with a good woman. A good woman will notice little changes in your health and appearance and energy you may not notice. Most of the women in my family have been married 20,40,60 years and have noticed things that have literally saved their husbands lives. My Mom has caught things that have saved my Dad from certain death at least twice. Again, a good woman. Men benefit being with a good woman. And vice versa. But women pay more attention to detail. It's just nature. Men pay attention to the horizon to protect their families.
Don't want to be that old playa in the club paying crackheads for lady companionship.
When you share your essence with a woman you're dissipating your energy (seed).
Your energy is sacred and is not meant to be spread around/wasted.
The biggest lie ever told is that a man shouldn't guard his temple just as much as a woman.
If you're worth anything (character wise), then your temple is sacred.
Hoe behavior is dishonoring one's temple by sharing it recklessly without any real commitment or love. But the "hoe" shouldn't be ashamed. The person just has to learn to love themselves and value themselves.