Ladies, what are your biggest turn offs in men?


girls just wanna have funds
Dec 19, 2013
Illiteracy :scust:

Inability to hold a conversation :scust:

Unfriendly behavior :scust:

Lack of respect for their parents :scust:

Criminal or bad boy tendencies :scust:

Not taking initiative to reach out to me as much as I do to them :scust:

dikkish comments and then say they were just kidding (well your jokes suck then) :scust:

Saying overly romantic things I know aren't true just because they're trying to get in my pants (nobody loves someone and can't live without them after a month, stop it) :scust:


Nov 25, 2014
your ego that's prompting you to keep responding is simply digging you a hole deeper and deeper lol

So your entire thesis regarding my apparent "self-importance" is based upon an....assumption? an assumption of my thought process regarding that statement? Oh the hypocrisy. do you even realize what your doing before you post?

and nobody "inferred" that you think no man can elevate you, I asked you a question; that on the basis of YOUR logic, implies that very concept. there's a difference, get it? So there is no projection. once again, stop using words as filler.

By the way, "self-importance" is quoting yourself making a "righteous" statement in your signature...

But I do like how you said "Anything else?" as if you killed that chit. lol how adorable. quit while you're (not) ahead kid, have a nice text convo with a guy not quite sharp enough to talk about any of these things with you.
Ego? :dead: We wouldn't be having this little spat had your ego allowed you to move on from my post, and go on about your day instead of trying to shame me for my preferences in a mate. You "asked a question", and then went on to answer it yourself under the assumption of what I would say. You weren't looking for an actual response, so you can cut that out. Except for the fact that I haven't discussed why I would prefer a partner who isn't a smart as I am nor have I discussed things like "elevating partners in relationships", so you're not using my logic at all to ask these questions. That was all assumed by you in some silly attempt to one up me. I am having a conversation with a guy "not quite sharp enough" to talk about these things.


All Star
Oct 13, 2014
Ego? :dead: We wouldn't be having this little spat had your ego allowed you to move on from my post, and go on about your day instead of trying to shame me for my preferences in a mate. You "asked a question", and then went on to answer it yourself under the assumption of what I would say. You weren't looking for an actual response, so you can cut that out. Except for the fact that I haven't discussed why I would prefer a partner who isn't a smart as I am nor have I discussed things like "elevating partners in relationships", so you're not using my logic at all to ask these questions. That was all assumed by you in some silly attempt to one up me. I am having a conversation with a guy "not quite sharp enough" to talk about these things.

lmao, woman you made a thread on a fukking public forum, me responding to the thread that you made has very little to do with my "ego". you made statements, and thus I gave my opinion on those statements because you opened up a public space that allowed and asked for me to do so. completely different. despite what you may think, a thread isn't supposed to be exclusively comprised of people who will share your sentiments, or agree with you.

Also, you claimed I never meant for an actual response? lol i find it difficult to understand how you could come to that conclusion, when in that post did i answer with something that "I thought you would say?" do you remember the question? here, let me post it again for you:

Are you implying that a man by nature cannot elevate you? Which in it of itself would make your "men hold themselves in high regard" sentiment a product of irony; and also a contradiction being that you acknowledged the fact that a man can be smarter than you.

See? it was an extended question that was stated in such a way that basically says "if this IS what you think, then here is why it makes little sense" there is not one area where I actually " answered the question". Have you not been in a debate before? structuring difficult questions that simultaneously show flaws in logic is a common practice in debate lol

If this were a proper one and you had something to actually SAY regarding that question i had, then you would immediately directly respond to them, and not deflect and evade, instead you simply called me self-important, and said I was making assumptions...without explaining why and how those were assumptions.

Except for the fact that I haven't discussed why I would prefer a partner who isn't a smart as I am nor have I discussed things like "elevating partners in relationships", so you're not using my logic at all to ask these questions

lol are you stupid? when you make a statement that says "i don't want a guy smarter than me" It's highly sensible to conclude that you are then potentially inhibiting the concept of someone else helping you grow as a person. better than you at something=opportunity to elevate. do you not understand that? why do you think i asked those questions? it is BECAUSE you didn't mention those things, that i asked those questions.

I am having a conversation with a guy "not quite sharp enough" to talk about these things.

Oh i get it, intelligence is not recognized when it isn't convenient for you. because let's be honest, I've proven in this thread that I have a particular aptitude to convey my ideas, the numerous daps and kudos I've received from this thread verify that.

you however have met every questioning towards your sentiments with vague, piss poor articulation. such as:

While my statement implies that it's not the intent of that statement


you just don't like those ideas because they negatively reflect on you. and therefore your own personal biases will conclude that I am """""not smart""""" (which is hilarious, because you sure aren't winning this little squabble) lol because that is more of a convenient stance for you to take. in other words, you're delusional, you'll probably think a guy that doesn't argue with you is smart enough for you though...


All Star
Aug 14, 2015
Me, myself and I
Skinny Jeans.



Jul 11, 2015
Idk he looks to be about 5'6, 5'7 round there

Anyway, bad hygiene. close minded. shytty sense of style. no ambition or goals. dishonest. the kind of guys that swear they're so smart & clever they can play anyone but they're just like every other guy that thinks that way.

as for the physical, not obese. i don't prefer skinny guys either. no receding hairline, just shave it all and spare us both the embarrassment. wild looking eyebrows are bad too.



Sep 28, 2015
Immaturity is #1

Bad teeth

Minimum wage job




TOO hood. Like you can be good but if I can't take you out of the city without you acting a fool then no I can't kick it with you.