Ladies This is NOT How You Approach a Man You are Interested In...


All Star
Jul 8, 2015
There is all this space on the train and this chick all up on my buttcheeks and what not giving me some side eye passive-aggressive non-sense.:rudy:

All this space in the subway car. (I am in NYC, this happened this morning on the 7 line) See I'm busy reading my FB feed and she can't respect privacy or personal space. Looking over my shoulder and shyt like a bobcat looking over a hill at a goose. Salivating and shyt. :why:

Purposely reaching for her phone with her right arm so she purposely knocking her elbow into me. This is some socially autistic behavior right here from you American Millennial Women. Whatever happened to being straightforward and cutting to the chase. Don't know how old she was but this is some childish bullshyt. :beli: Some American CAC girl with short shorts and sunglasses. (But a sister has done this before to me too last summer so don't even try that:mjpls:)

Then they want to claim some dude is sexually harassing them. Even if I were single this is highly unacceptable and unattractive behavior ladies. Get it together.:aicmon:

And now after that this same chick is sitting right next to me once I sit down to get something out my bag. WTF. :mindblown:

I am handsome yes I know but this is ridiculous. Ladies this is why you can't get a "Real" Man. You are so used to Men doing all the work you don't even know how to approach respectfully and with tact.:dahell:

If a dude did this he would be locked up people would be sounding alarm bells kicking him in the crotch and all this shyt based on an accusation. Now imagine what would happen if I said a word to her and rejected her openly. She'd probably try and turn that shyt back around on me and say well "No you're in MY personal space actually". :ohlawd:

Right now I don't have money to be spending on lawyers fees so if she would have mumbled something to me (had my headphones on, another indicator to "fukk off" that went straight over her head) I probably would have simply moved to another car...But this shyt is still ridiculous. Why do I have to move because you're retarded? Women need to be held accountable for their social faux paus and fukk ups. :ufdup:

Sick and tired of the double standard. :birdman:
She must not have been your type

Ghanaian Armor

Jul 3, 2015
Queens, NY
She must not have been your type

It don't matter if she was my type my guard would still be up if she approached me sideways like that.

The problem is "my type" is smooth not all spergy and autistic like this bytch. ANY man would have been put off even if she looked like Sofia Vergara in her prime...


All Star
Jul 8, 2015
It don't matter if she was my type my guard would still be up if she approached me sideways like that.

The problem is "my type" is smooth not all spergy and autistic like this bytch. ANY man would have been put off even if she looked like Sofia Vergara in her prime...


Aug 16, 2014
It don't matter if she was my type my guard would still be up if she approached me sideways like that.

The problem is "my type" is smooth not all spergy and autistic like this bytch. ANY man would have been put off even if she looked like Sofia Vergara in her prime...

How could she have spoken to you?

Ghanaian Armor

Jul 3, 2015
Queens, NY
How could she have spoken to you?

Check my reply above she could have simply tapped me on the shoulder instead of "hitting me accidentally" that shyt speaks volumes about a Woman before the interaction even begins - She already on a negative ranking because of that.

I can respect a Woman who is straight up just say "Am I the type of Woman you are looking for?" discretely in a low tone of course because we are in public - Then the Man will check you out and take it from there. Now it depends if the nikka you are approaching looks decisive and bold based on his manner of dress then that is appropriate. But if he look like a shy nikka then no you need to warm him up a bit. Typically a dude that look like me will tell you straight up or at worst say "Let's hang out and see where it goes". If you hitting up a nikka in suspenders with a ukulele your approach will need to be different obviously.

When a girl on this footsies bullshyt at the age of 21+ it indicates she will give me juvenile behavior antics and problems if we were to ever get into a relationship.


Aug 16, 2014
Check my reply above she could have simply tapped me on the shoulder instead of "hitting me accidentally" that shyt speaks volumes about a Woman before the interaction even begins - She already on a negative ranking because of that.

I can respect a Woman who is straight up just say "Am I the type of Woman you are looking for?" discretely in a low tone of course because we are in public - Then the Man will check you out and take it from there. Now it depends if the nikka you are approaching looks decisive and bold based on his manner of dress then that is appropriate. But if he look like a shy nikka then no you need to warm him up a bit. Typically a dude that look like me will tell you straight up or at worst say "Let's hang out and see where it goes". If you hitting up a nikka in suspenders with a ukulele your approach will need to be different obviously.

When a girl on this footsies bullshyt at the age of 21+ it indicates she will give me juvenile behavior antics and problems if we were to ever get into a relationship.

Can't imagine just walking up to dude and be like, you like me bro? It's crazy. Whatever happened to conversation? I'm contemplating talking to this dude at my gym. I ain't going for the jugular though.

Ghanaian Armor

Jul 3, 2015
Queens, NY
Can't imagine just walking up to dude and be like, you like me bro? It's crazy. Whatever happened to conversation? I'm contemplating talking to this dude at my gym. I ain't going for the jugular though.

You can thank your White feminist sisters but unless you are straight up with that nikka, don't expect anything more than a dap and a nod unless you step it up.

You need to be aggressive these days. Here is my thing. A lot of Women say there are no Men of their type available. But when they finally find their "type" they don't want to take the initiative and lose the opportunity.

It is rare that two people get exactly "their type" that they are looking for. Most settle in the gray area of "good enough". You may not be that nikka type but if you show you are good enough he may be willing to cash in. But if you don't show enough of yourself he will not be motivated to seal the deal. That is because nikkas today are on that :mjpls: as a defensive reaction because females stay on that :mjpls:. Yall started it so now you have to open up the dialogue again as a group. I am not saying you will be his "2nd best" option picked. Everyone has an ideal in mind but many are open to being won over by alternatives. MOST IMPORTANTLY A MAN NEEDS TO FEEL DESIRED AND LOOKED UP TO. If you are not showing enough open detectable interest in a nikka he will not think you are serious. You can't talk to him in Woman speak. We do not speak that during "Mack Off" times as I mentioned above. You need to use plain language, no double meanings and be honest and open. This may feel weird but this is how Men communicate.

Another thing many nikkas in the game have given up and say fukk it, I'mma do me. They will get the sex they need from an escort or FWB and just focus on building the paper stack. You don't know what phase of life that Man is in right now. Err on the side of being more aggressive. Many have walls built up just like yall Women because of the attitude they've encountered countless times.

Ghanaian Armor

Jul 3, 2015
Queens, NY
Think from a Man perspective. If I am getting all the p*ssy I need right now through FWB or escort and my career on fleek. What do I need a Woman for?

You have to sell yourself just like we have to sell ourselves to you. You have to be intellectually stimulating him and seem genuinely interested in his life goals and personality.

The difference is a Man has everything to lose by getting in a relationship these days while Women have everything to gain. It is a risk and you have to prove that you are worth that risk.


Aug 16, 2014
You can thank your White feminist sisters but unless you are straight up with that nikka, don't expect anything more than a dap and a nod unless you step it up.

You need to be aggressive these days. Here is my thing. A lot of Women say there are no Men of their type available. But when they finally find their "type" they don't want to take the initiative and lose the opportunity.

It is rare that two people get exactly "their type" that they are looking for. Most settle in the gray area of "good enough". You may not be that nikka type but if you show you are good enough he may be willing to cash in. But if you don't show enough of yourself he will not be motivated to seal the deal. That is because nikkas today are on that :mjpls: as a defensive reaction because females stay on that :mjpls:. Yall started it so now you have to open up the dialogue again as a group. I am not saying you will be his "2nd best" option picked. Everyone has an ideal in mind but many are open to being won over by alternatives. MOST IMPORTANTLY A MAN NEEDS TO FEEL DESIRED AND LOOKED UP TO. If you are not showing enough open detectable interest in a nikka he will not think you are serious. You can't talk to him in Woman speak. We do not speak that during "Mack Off" times as I mentioned above. You need to use plain language, no double meanings and be honest and open. This may feel weird but this is how Men communicate.

Another thing many nikkas in the game have given up and say fukk it, I'mma do me. They will get the sex they need from an escort or FWB and just focus on building the paper stack. You don't know what phase of life that Man is in right now. Err on the side of being more aggressive. Many have walls built up just like yall Women because of the attitude they've encountered countless times.

I would have you preferred you giving me your opinion on how to approach a man instead of your anti feminist diatribe that's got nothing to do with what we talking about.

Just wanted an earnest opinion the appropriateness of approaching and the risk and rewards. The risk is he won't be interested. the reward is he will. Based on that I have little to lose. Provided he isn't a mean person I should be ok. Thanks for the sound advice bro man.


Nov 25, 2014
I don't know why any black woman would consider this piece of shyt's words.

Yall nikkas taking this shyt too personally debate points and facts not feelings.

The main fact here is Black Women have been smoking crack and taking welfare benefits over Black Male leadership since the 80's.

In High School their White Daddy Teacher taught them they never gonna be nothing and they should just fukk Jerome get pregnant and get on benefits. They believed that CAC brainwashing as a collective, ignored the square Clark Kent nikkas who were then forced to Wife a White girl cause they were the only one available who didn't have kids by the age of 21 already.

Today we got a different generation with different aspects to the problem. But the core issue remains the same in that Black Women have been sold an ideal Black Man that does not exist. So they go with second best. And that responsible nikka is 3rd on their priority list. nikka has been reduced to being a nanny for some Debo nikka child and they wonder why I promote they go to get Lei Lei.