Ladies This is NOT How You Approach a Man You are Interested In...

Ghanaian Armor

Jul 3, 2015
Queens, NY
There is all this space on the train and this chick all up on my buttcheeks and what not giving me some side eye passive-aggressive non-sense.:rudy:

All this space in the subway car. (I am in NYC, this happened this morning on the 7 line) See I'm busy reading my FB feed and she can't respect privacy or personal space. Looking over my shoulder and shyt like a bobcat looking over a hill at a goose. Salivating and shyt. :why:

Purposely reaching for her phone with her right arm so she purposely knocking her elbow into me. This is some socially autistic behavior right here from you American Millennial Women. Whatever happened to being straightforward and cutting to the chase. Don't know how old she was but this is some childish bullshyt. :beli: Some American CAC girl with short shorts and sunglasses. (But a sister has done this before to me too last summer so don't even try that:mjpls:)

Then they want to claim some dude is sexually harassing them. Even if I were single this is highly unacceptable and unattractive behavior ladies. Get it together.:aicmon:

And now after that this same chick is sitting right next to me once I sit down to get something out my bag. WTF. :mindblown:

I am handsome yes I know but this is ridiculous. Ladies this is why you can't get a "Real" Man. You are so used to Men doing all the work you don't even know how to approach respectfully and with tact.:dahell:

If a dude did this he would be locked up people would be sounding alarm bells kicking him in the crotch and all this shyt based on an accusation. Now imagine what would happen if I said a word to her and rejected her openly. She'd probably try and turn that shyt back around on me and say well "No you're in MY personal space actually". :ohlawd:

Right now I don't have money to be spending on lawyers fees so if she would have mumbled something to me (had my headphones on, another indicator to "fukk off" that went straight over her head) I probably would have simply moved to another car...But this shyt is still ridiculous. Why do I have to move because you're retarded? Women need to be held accountable for their social faux paus and fukk ups. :ufdup:

Sick and tired of the double standard. :birdman:
May 15, 2015
There is all this space on the train and this chick all up on my buttcheeks and what not giving me some side eye passive-aggressive non-sense.:rudy:

All this space in the subway car. (I am in NYC, this happened this morning on the 7 line) See I'm busy reading my FB feed and she can't respect privacy or personal space. Looking over my shoulder and shyt like a bobcat looking over a hill at a goose. Salivating and shyt. :why:

Purposely reaching for her phone with her right arm so she purposely knocking her elbow into me. This is some socially autistic behavior right here from you American Millennial Women. Whatever happened to being straightforward and cutting to the chase. Don't know how old she was but this is some childish bullshyt. :beli: Some American CAC girl with short shorts and sunglasses. (But a sister has done this before to me too last summer so don't even try that:mjpls:)

Then they want to claim some dude is sexually harassing them. Even if I were single this is highly unacceptable and unattractive behavior ladies. Get it together.:aicmon:

And now after that this same chick is sitting right next to me once I sit down to get something out my bag. WTF. :mindblown:

I am handsome yes I know but this is ridiculous. Ladies this is why you can't get a "Real" Man. You are so used to Men doing all the work you don't even know how to approach respectfully and with tact.:dahell:

If a dude did this he would be locked up people would be sounding alarm bells kicking him in the crotch and all this shyt based on an accusation. Now imagine what would happen if I said a word to her and rejected her openly. She'd probably try and turn that shyt back around on me and say well "No you're in MY personal space actually". :ohlawd:

Right now I don't have money to be spending on lawyers fees so if she would have mumbled something to me (had my headphones on, another indicator to "fukk off" that went straight over her head) I probably would have simply moved to another car...But this shyt is still ridiculous. Why do I have to move because you're retarded? Women need to be held accountable for their social faux paus and fukk ups. :ufdup:

Sick and tired of the double standard. :birdman:
I'm asking seriously, how do we approach men? I've gotten different answers from don't do it at all to yeah men like when you approach.
The couple of times that I've approached, I usually walk up, introduce myself, ask how he's doing, give a compliment and see how it progresses. And if he doesn't ask me for my number I usually rejoin my group and just take it as he wasn't interested and keep it moving. I did this once and the guy wasn't that receptive at first so I went back to talking to my friend and then he comes over and says "hey, let me buy you a drink, you kinda shocked me just now , I'm not used to women approaching " and we talked for a while after that.
But I can understand were it may come off wrong, last Saturday I'm at a lounge with a few girlfriends and I spot this guy that I think is attractive so I jokingly tell one of my friends " go get him for me". This chick actually does it:what:. And she brings dude over and he's confused as hell:childplease:. So I just say " hey, she did that cause I said that you were handsome " I shake his hand and he leaves. Im like " you just blew my chances if I had any"
My other homegirl said " you know she went over there like a thot" :snoop:

Ghanaian Armor

Jul 3, 2015
Queens, NY
The couple of times that I've approached, I usually walk up, introduce myself, ask how he's doing, give a compliment and see how it progresses. And if he doesn't ask me for my number I usually rejoin my group and just take it as he wasn't interested and keep it moving.

Yeah I mean just be real, tap me on the shoulder. None of this passive-aggressive bullshyt. We are in NYC if you want a person's attention you are going to have to be very direct.


"Look i think you look good and would like to get to know you better. Are you on your way to work? Let's exchange FB if you're interested and then take it from there."

It's really not that hard. 9 out of 10 times the dude is gonna say yes because Men are desperate as fukk in 2015 because of feminism. Not sure why Women make it so difficult.
May 15, 2015
Yeah I mean just be real, tap me on the shoulder. None of this passive-aggressive bullshyt. We are in NYC if you want a person's attention you are going to have to be very direct.


"Look i think you look good and would like to get to know you better. Are you on your way to work? Let's exchange FB if you're interested and then take it from there."

It's really not that hard. 9 out of 10 times the dude is gonna say yes because Men are desperate as fukk in 2015 because of feminism. Not sure why Women make it so difficult.
:ohhh: Cool

I just never want to come across desperate or whorish


Aug 6, 2013
If a brother don't have a car offer to give him a ride.

The best way to approach a man you're interested in is to not approach at all.
How attractive are you brehette? Attractive chicks seem to be friendly but have the mentality where they will never approach. Here is a tip some breh's see that as arrogance an will not approach even if they know you are feeling them.


Nov 19, 2013
Yeah I mean just be real, tap me on the shoulder. None of this passive-aggressive bullshyt. We are in NYC if you want a person's attention you are going to have to be very direct.


"Look i think you look good and would like to get to know you better. Are you on your way to work? Let's exchange FB if you're interested and then take it from there."

It's really not that hard. 9 out of 10 times the dude is gonna say yes because Men are desperate as fukk in 2015 because of feminism. Not sure why Women make it so difficult.

LOL. You must be older because it's usually only older people who still use that. & When guys come up to me asking for my social media instead of my phone number, I reject them. I don't even have any social mediam

If a woman is interested in a man, I think she should get his attention by talking to him. Some women walk past the guy a couple of times to get his attention and try to make sure that he sees her :laugh: I've seen that happen a lot and it looks funny. If he hasn't asked for her number by the end of the conversation, then he isn't intereted.

Ashley Banks

All I ever wanted was the world
Jun 19, 2012


If a brother don't have a car offer to give him a ride.

How attractive are you brehette? Attractive chicks seem to be friendly but have the mentality where they will never approach. Here is a tip some breh's see that as arrogance an will not approach even if they know you are feeling them.

"if she doesn't approach me, she's arrogant". I think I'll be fine if a dude that thinks like that doesn't approach me.

Sounds like a sure-fire guide to end up with a guy you don't want then complain about it later.:comeon:

Oops that's the typical Woman.... :ld:

I know you coli dudes don't want to believe this but great men approach women all the time. Yall always try this in these types of threads "if you don't approach men, you'll end up with a man you don't want :mad:".

why would I give a dude I don't want a chance? :heh: