Ladies I need your help

Action Mike

All praise..
Feb 24, 2014
:ehh: Your a good dude for even worrying about this, most dudes dont even give this thought. So your already ahead of the curve, that or I might just be saying this because I've fought with the same thing before. I'll be honest with you, most women do not handle knowing there an option well AT all. Unless they aren't looking for anything serious at all either, even then women don't like being an option. Its one of the few double standards when it comes to dating that is ok for them to have and not for us.

Women keep options, they talk, date and get to know as many dudes as they want until they select the one they want and most dont feel any kind of way about it. But as men, we can't really do that and get away (be open) with it. You got a handful of women you like and one or two that you really really like. Keep it to yourself until somethings official or make it know ASAP and I mean like the 1st couple weeks or so.

It also depends on the woman, some can handle that your dating and that they are an option (one you really like) others can't and that's fine. That might help you thin out who you need to focus on anyway. I mean you got alot going on, its selfish of them to expect you to drop everyone and just focus on them and your not evening in a relationship yet.

Now if you here having sex with them all and selling them all different dreams then that's messed up but outside of that, I'd suggest keeping the fact that your dating or like more than one of them to yourself. In the past I've messed up more than a few potential relationships trying to be completely open with people I'm not even in a relationship with yet that I had to step back and be like you:ufdup: "Keep that ish to yourself" all you do is give the other person something to worry or ponder about. It goes from getting to know each other in there minds to a competition that most would rather not participate in rather than not be "selected"

That's just my two cents and experience coming from a breh that has done the bare soul thing. Even with the best of intentions and good heart you'll end up burning yourself, if asked be honest, if sex gets involved with more than one potentially then you might want to speak on it. Outside of that just dating and pick the one that you feel like will work out best for you.

The only advice you should take from here brah.

Keep it to yourself.


All Star
Nov 21, 2014
Your better than me breh

Right now.I'm currently with 3 chick
I don't wanna lose them so I guess I gotta continue this lie

Man hoes. :scust:

I told each one that I wanna built a future with them

Kinda cruel I know

Karma will come to me

It sure will Malc.. it sure will.. :usure:

Bmore- Just do what everyone suggested and BE HONEST! It will save you time.

The Mad Titan

May 27, 2012
So ladies, I'm curious, What is he to be honest about?

Should tell someone he really likes that he kinda likes some other women as well even though nothing is serious between any of them? I'm all about being honest but at that point male or female it seems like you shooting yourself in the foot for no reason.

Its one thing if your exclusive or a title is involved.... or you know someone really is ready for a relationship and you just dragging them on, I mean that's a whole different story, but while your getting to know someone I don't understand why anyone would speak on anyone else they might be feeling. Of course there are levels, but at some point if there is no progress after one or the other person has stated they want more and your still casually dating that's on the person.

Do you ladies tell men that you are texting/dating or have hung out with that there are other men you text or date or are interested in? I'll probably never understand womens views on this.

As for the rest, I agree with what the ladies said about being honest. If your NO were ready to be her man and shes let you know she's ready and willing to take that next step then you should let her know, just casually let her know that while your not ready for anything serious just yet, you really like her and you will be eventually and that your not asking her to wait for you or stick around but your like her and hope that you can continue to get to know each other like you have been.


All Star
Nov 21, 2014
Can I ask you something



All Star
Mar 7, 2014
If your NO were ready to be her man and shes let you know she's ready and willing to take that next step then you should let her know, just casually let her know that while your not ready for anything serious just yet, you really like her and you will be eventually and that your not asking her to wait for you or stick around but your like her and hope that you can continue to get to know each other like you have been

That's mean. She could take that to mean that he's still healing from the divorce and will be ready for more at some point particularly if he phrases it as "I hope we can continue".

Don't people ask if the person they're dating is seeing other people? That question with an honest answer would resolve all this.