Kyrie takes more shots and has a hugher usage than much more can he have the ball?
he took the most shots on the team
and highest usage (with way less impact than lebron obviously)
there is a reason delly had more team impact outside of direst scoring than kyrie. The 2015-2016 stats, the championship season
WITH and WITHOUT LeBron James
WITH min per 48 | WITHOUT min per 48 | DIFFERENCE
Frye + 3.9 8.2 + 22.8 | - 2.1 10.7 - 9.4 | +32.2
Delly + 5.6 16.8 + 16.0 | - 0.1 9.1 - 0.5 | +16.5
Shumpert + 3.4 12.5 + 13.1 | + 0.3 12.8 + 1.1 | +11.9
Thompson + 5.6 20.7 + 13.0 | - 0.9 8.8 - 4.9 | +17.9
Love + 6.7 27.4 + 11.7 | - 0.8 6.2 - 6.2 | +17.9
Smith + 5.3 26.9 + 9.5 | - 1.0 6.3 - 7.6 | +17.1
Irving + 4.2 23.6 + 8.5 | 0.0 10.0 0.0 | + 8.5
Jefferso + 1.0 7.3 + 6.6 | - 1.3 12.7 - 4.9 | +11.5
Williams + 1.9 15.8 + 5.8 | - 2.7 6.3 -20.6 | +26.3
These are outrageous numbers. The kind of difference LeBron makes is huge. Without LeBron on court, each player gets net losses across the board. With him, massive positives. The difference is staggering.
As a comparison, here are the same with-without +/- stats for the other members of the "Big 3". Or perhaps "massive 1 and biggish 2"?
"+/-" min per 48 "+/-" min per 48 DIFFERENCE
James + 4.2 23.6 + 8.5 | + 5.4 20.4 + 12.7 | - 4.2
Smith + 2.3 22.2 + 5.0 | + 2.5 15.8 + 7.6 | - 2.6
Thompson + 4.4 27.7 + 7.6 | + 3.9 31.5 + 5.9 | + 1.7
Love + 2.8 23.1 + 5.8 | + 3.9 17.3 +10.8 | - 5.0
Shumpert + 1.1 13.0 + 4.1 | + 2.4 12.8 + 9.0 | - 4.9
Delly + 1.4 8.8 + 7.6 | + 4.3 19.8 +10.4 | - 2.8
Frye + 0.7 9.6 + 3.5 | + 0.6 9.2 + 3.1 | + 0.4
Jeffers + 0.6 8.0 + 3.6 | - 0.9 13.3 - 3.2 | + 6.8
Willia - 1.0 3.5 -13.7 | - 1.0 17.6 - 2.7 | -11.0
This doesn't paint Irving's impact on his teammates in a particularly positive light. He is getting big credit for stepping up in the Finals, but his impact based on regular season +/- is not as impressive, especially for a "superstar". Statistically, the other two of the Big 3 actually preferred when they are playing without Irving. And this applies to several others too. Dissing Irving might be a dangerous thing to do around here, so I will just say: basketball is a team game.
And Love:
+/- min per 48 | "+/-" min per 48 | DIFFERENCE
James + 6.7 27.4 + 11.7 | + 1.8 9.7 + 8.9 | + 2.8
Irving + 2.8 23.1 + 5.8 | + 1.4 10.5 + 6.4 | - 0.6
Smith + 3.3 23.8 + 6.7 | + 0.9 8.4 + 5.1 | + 1.5
Thompson + 4.0 16.6 + 11.6 | + 0.7 12.4 + 2.7 | + 8.9
Shumpert + 2.8 11.0 + 12.2 | + 0.8 14.4 + 2.7 | + 9.6
Delly + 4.5 14.1 + 15.3 | + 0.8 11.4 + 3.4 | + 12.0
Frye - 1.0 5.0 - 9.6 | + 1.7 15.5 + 5.3 | - 14.9
Jefferson + 0.1 7.5 + 0.6 | - 0.7 11.5 - 2.9 | + 3.6
Williams + 1.4 14.7 + 4.6 | - 2.4 7.1 -16.2 | + 20.8
To honour the departing Delly, here is how the Cavs players played with and without him. Somehow Delly seems to add more value that the lesser 2 of the Big 3.
"+/-" min per 48 | "+/-" min per 48 | DIFFERENCE
James +5.6 16.8 +16.0 | +3.0 20.4 +7.1 | +8.9
Irving +1.4 8.8 +7.6 | +2.8 24.7 +5.4 | +2.2
Smith +3.2 12.6 +12.2 | +1.2 19.4 +3.0 | +9.2
Thompson +3.0 15.2 +9.5 | +1.6 13.8 +5.6 | +3.9
Love +4.5 14.1 +15.3 | +1.4 18.5 +3.6 | +11.7
Shumpert +2.3 13.9 +7.9 | +1.4 11.7 +5.7 | +2.2
Frye +0.3 10.7 +1.3 | +1.0 7.7 +6.2 | -4.9
Jeffers +0.9 10.6 +4.1 | -1.5 8.4 -8.6 | +12.6
Williams +1.8 7.3 +11.8 | -2.4 14.7 -7.8 | +19.7