Ocean air
Let's keep it reality. Even if Kyrie stayed with Bron and they won 6 titles, Kyrie won't get credit for nan one of them. You guys keep saying
"Kyrie must not want to win if leaves LBJ"
"Kyrie can't lead a team"
Well even if he stays and continues to win titles with LBJ, his overall player ranking wouldn't rise, because he'll forever be seen as the sidekick. Its funny to me the same folks claiming Kyrie values "being the man" over winning as a sidekick, are the same ones who wouldn't raise his profile and all time rankings if he were to stay with LBJ. He might as well go to a team where he could chuck shots, get paid, and break some all-time scoring records.

LBJ's legacy is pretty much set(he'll be regarded as 2nd best all time behind MJ when it's all said and done) Kyrie is still trying to build his. Y'all want every talented player to play sidekick and to be dependent upon LBJ, so you can blame them when LBJ's teams lose, and give LBJ ultimate credit when he wins.
Lemme ask y'all a question, where did you guys have Kyrie ranked amongst guards after Cleveland won in 2016?

"Kyrie must not want to win if leaves LBJ"
"Kyrie can't lead a team"
Well even if he stays and continues to win titles with LBJ, his overall player ranking wouldn't rise, because he'll forever be seen as the sidekick. Its funny to me the same folks claiming Kyrie values "being the man" over winning as a sidekick, are the same ones who wouldn't raise his profile and all time rankings if he were to stay with LBJ. He might as well go to a team where he could chuck shots, get paid, and break some all-time scoring records.

LBJ's legacy is pretty much set(he'll be regarded as 2nd best all time behind MJ when it's all said and done) Kyrie is still trying to build his. Y'all want every talented player to play sidekick and to be dependent upon LBJ, so you can blame them when LBJ's teams lose, and give LBJ ultimate credit when he wins.
Lemme ask y'all a question, where did you guys have Kyrie ranked amongst guards after Cleveland won in 2016?