Kurt Angle was a serious addict (article)


Legalize us.
Jul 8, 2012
The North
And on top of that, dude even claims he bribed a judge to avoid a DUI conviction.

Strung out: How Kurt Angle stayed in the game, as both a wrestler and a broken man

Kurt Angle probably shouldn’t have been within arms’ reach of the hulking Addas Jadidi – not in his condition anyway. When he locked up with the Iranian at the centre of a mat during the 1996 Atlanta Olympics with a gold medal on the line, Angle had a “broken freakin’ neck” and couldn’t feel his arms – as he’d go on to remind WWE audiences years later.

When the judges announced he won, Angle fell to his knees, hunched over on the mat. Tears streamed down his face as he reached a high that – try as he might – he’d never be able to replicate again. Nevertheless, he’d spend years chasing another, coming close to but never attaining this moment again.

At the height of his professional wrestling career, Angle would step out of the spotlight by pounding down a cocktail before falling asleep. But he wasn’t sipping on piña coladas to soothe him. Angle needed something stronger after spending his evening slamming 300-pound behemoths across a canvas ring to raucous cheers and jeers.

Sitting in hotel rooms across the world, Angle would swallow his prescribed daily dose of morphine and Xanax, washing it down with whatever his drink of choice was that night. “What an addict does is always find a way to get their high,” Angle says over the phone from his family’s home in Pittsburgh.

During this period, Angle was almost unstoppable in the ring. The Olympic gold medal winner forged a legacy as one of the best performers in WWE history. But between 2007 and 2013, he fell off his perch when he was reportedly charged four times with driving under the influence before checking into rehab.

In fact, Angle says he accumulated a fifth DUI. He wouldn’t say when or where. All he would admit to is bribing a judge to make the charges disappear. “I paid the judge off – $800 and he threw the case out,” Angle says.

Eleven years after he last stepped into a WWE ring, Angle finds himself back in the spotlight after the company announced he would headline its 2017 Hall of Fame class on Friday before Wrestlemania 33. However, to consider Angle the wrestler, one also has to consider Angle the broken man. His dark and desperate battle with addiction – one that took the lives of his father, wrestling coach, sister and sister-in-law – turned an Olympic hero into a villain.

It’s a journey that no one would have imagined when he debuted in the WWE in 1999. Less than a year after his first day of training, Angle won the promotion’s world championship belt. Equal parts athlete and showman, he excelled not just in the ring, but also in front of the enormous crowds. Combining his Olympic grappling skills (the slams, suplexes and submissions) with a personality that soaked up applauses and jeers with equal vigour, Angle was a godsend to the WWE.

While the competition in professional wrestling is predetermined, there is nothing fake about the toll it takes on the competitors. Every blow Angle sustained in the ring was real. His back ached after each slam and his ears rung with every steel chair he took to his skull. But nothing compares to the pain he suffered in his neck. Over the course of 2003 and 2004, Angle would break his neck four times. In each instance, the former Olympian avoided being sidelined for very long, instead choosing the option he thought would allow him to stay on the top rung of the WWE ladder, continuing to chase his high. He medicated himself – first with Vicodin, then morphine, Soma, Xanax and alcohol.

While further cementing his reputation for making opponents submit in the ring, Angle tapped out to his painkiller addiction – swallowing 65 Vicodin a day.”The first time I took a painkiller, wow, I felt invincible,” Angle says. “I knew right away that I liked it and I was going to continue regardless whether it might kill me.” It almost did.

With his co-workers watching, Angle would routinely pull out a bottle of Vicodin, shake it and pop pills into his hand. He didn’t care if anyone saw him. Within seconds of swallowing, he’d lean his head back during a long flight to the next venue and dose off. In this state, Angle wouldn’t have to deal with the constant worry – the paranoia – of his wrestling career coming to an end because of his neck injuries.

Angle could hear his bones shatter in the ring after Brock Lesnar sent him crashing neck-first into a turnbuckle in a 2003 match. Doubting he could continue his career for much longer, Angle took a small Vicodin prescription, vowing to “go hard and fast until I couldn’t go anymore.” When one pill wasn’t numbing the pain anymore, Angle doubled his dosage. Two became four, four became eight and within one year, Angle was taking 65 pills per day.

In his darkest days, Angle took nearly 2,000 Vicodin pills per month. He received 1500 of them in prescriptions from “12 doctors that didn’t know each other subscribing me 12 different prescriptions every month.” Armed with a map of pharmacies from around the country, Angle would only visit each pharmacy once. The other 500 pills were bought from drug dealers on the street. “As long as it kept me in the game, that’s all that mattered,” he says.

This wasn’t the first time Angle’s life was negatively affected by addiction. Growing up in Pittsburgh, Angle remembers his father stopping whatever he was doing every two hours to drink three glasses of rum. Angle, only 16 when his father died in a construction accident, still imagines “he was most likely legally drunk” at the time of his death. His father was a “functioning alcoholic,” Angle says, and “needed it in his system.”

Three years later, Angle found a surrogate father figure in wrestling coach David Schultz when he signed to compete with the Foxcatcher amateur wrestling team. Angle idolized Schultz, an Olympic gold-medal winning freestyle wrestler, and spent hours popping in VHS tapes, absorbing every lock and counter.

As portrayed in the movie Foxcatcher, Schultz was murdered by the amateur wrestling team’s sponsor, John Du Pont. A cocaine addict who suffered from psychosis, Du Pont became violent before the 1996 Olympics. “He started getting really weird, hallucinating and thinking people were coming out of the walls,” Angle says. “He made me leave his house. He had a gun in his hand.”

Angle tried to kick the addiction in 2004 and tapered his intake down to 15 pills per day before his sister — who struggled with a heroin addiction — committed suicide. Almost immediately, Angle shot back up to 65. “That night, I tripled my dosage,” Angle says.

He would again try to get off pills in 2005, but instead of checking into a facility, Angle tried to rehab himself, refusing to take any pills while going through withdrawal. His skin crawled, craving the drugs that would no longer allow it to feel pain. He sat in his bedroom for days, shaking while watching the first three Harry Potter movies “all day long, all night long.”

When his body broke down, he finally went to a doctor for help. If he had tried to kick his habit without doctor assistance for much longer he would’ve died, he remembers his doctor telling him. He was prescribed a small dose of morphine to help taper the addiction. Because of the number of pills he was taking, Angle’s body wouldn’t be able to handle quitting cold turkey.

Finally off Vicodin, Angle had trouble sleeping at night and so Soma, a muscle relaxer, became his new fix. “The Soma seemed to make me pass out,” he said. “That’s all I wanted to do at that point. I wasn’t happy with my life. I wasn’t happy with my relationship. I wasn’t happy with getting injured all the time. I wasn’t happy with family passing away.”

Doctors also prescribed him Xanax, he says, because he was suffering from anxiety over the possibility of breaking his neck again. A failed drug test – for Soma and steroids – only dealt more loss to a man ransacked by addiction.

In 2006, Angle asked for a part-time deal with WWE. He broke down in a meeting with CEO Vince McMahon, telling the billionaire: “I can’t do this anymore.” When McMahon refused, Angle asked for and was granted a release from his contract. Weeks later, he got that part-time deal when he signed with TNA Wrestling. The move wouldn’t pan out like he’d hoped.

Still struggling with his own demons, Angle spent what should’ve been the prime years of his career with a company that wasn’t adamant about drug testing. It didn’t help that the locker room was filling up with wrestlers who hit their primes in the early 1990s when drug testing was a myth and drug use – steroids and otherwise – was rampant. The TNA locker room loved its alcohol. So too did Angle, who resorted to trying to find his high by sucking it out of the bottom of a bottle.

Nonetheless, Angle won every championship belt the company had to offer between 2006 and 2013, but when the DUI charges began to add up, he could no longer hide his struggles within the confines of the ring ropes. Rehab only became an option because his lawyer suggested it could strengthen his court case to have his last DUI charge thrown out. Ten years after he was first hooked on pills, Angle checked in, becoming the ninth member of his family to go to rehab.

Would he have gone had his court case not hinged upon that detail? “Probably not,” he admits.

Inside, he was surprised to see other people worse off than he was. There were heroin addicts and those who resorted to burglary to fuel their addiction. Angle was at rock bottom, but he didn’t see it that way. He still had his job. And even he wonders how he still held on to that.

While Angle speaks about these details of his addiction, his newborn’s cries force him to pause in between thoughts. After nearly a year off from working for any wrestling company – he finally left TNA in 2016 – Angle is now a family man.

Most of his wrestling is done at home in play-fights with his kids. Idolizing their father, they wear mini gold medals around their necks. Angle is sober now. He’s hoping to help others beat their own demons. In February, Angle released AngleStrong, an app that allows recovering addicts to check in with other users every day, receive encouraging messages and get to chat with the Olympic gold medalist once a month for advice.

His Hall of Fame induction doesn’t come with a return to the WWE ring – though Angle admits he’d still love yet another chance. The ring may have broken Angle’s body and sent his life reeling. And yet, to him, it was the one thing that stopped him from falling into an even darker place: “The marriage, the injuries, the personal relationships, all the travelling. Everything was shyt except that ring. It was my saving grace.”

But just as he once wrestled in that ring with a broken neck, he wrestled outside of it with a broken life – one he may have finally repaired.

Mantis Toboggan M.D.

Drink wolf cola
Mar 18, 2014
This, by the way, was the era where people were trying to villiffy WWE for releasing Kurt Angle, and saying that he is at risk for his life...Just sayin
:ehh: True, but they also had a stricter testing policy than tna and didn't help by easing his schedule. They didn't have to have him work full time either and that probably could've helped him get his shyt together sooner.


Nov 19, 2016
Back then the dirtsheets were filled with story's about how people in and around the business thought dude was gonna die at any point, WHILE he was still working.

never knew the details of his situation but those rumors always stuck with me. glad he turned things around, you can tell he was genuinely thrilled to be back home last night.


Legalize us.
Jul 8, 2012
The North
Back then the dirtsheets were filled with story's about how people in and around the business thought dude was gonna die at any point, WHILE he was still working.

Yup. I remember pretty much EXPECTING him to die around then. The stories about him back then seemed worse than the stories about dudes in wrestling who had already died.

But still found some details in this article surprising.


Jul 27, 2012
I just want to see him stay sober, alive, not in a wheelchair to watch his kids grow up. Maybe on screen to replace Foley. Not competing.

Why do people keep saying this.... angle never stopped wrestling when he left wwe and hasn't died yet. And can still duplex nikkas. He's far from flabby. He's not Edge or Daniel brain status where one bump and they might die... #FreeAngle #OneMoreRun


Aug 16, 2012
Why do people keep saying this.... angle never stopped wrestling when he left wwe and hasn't died yet. And can still duplex nikkas. He's far from flabby. He's not Edge or Daniel brain status where one bump and they might die... #FreeAngle #OneMoreRun

Daniel bryan getting slammed by a 7 foot monster kane daily softened him up for his finish i believe.