Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson
I dont have a afro i have a amerifro
dat moon kricket @mrken12 wood rape dem...da whie wons anyway.
dat moon kricket @mrken12 wood rape dem...da whie wons anyway.
There's a real policy to ensure blacks remain the lowest caste in the world. The resources in Africa are too valuable.
Best post yet. This is what i keep tryna tell yall. Our OVERALL MINDSET isn't where its needed to be. And its by design. Yall see this?:
These people are mentally conditioned to SACRIFICE and DIE for their cause. They're willing to DIE for each other. They're willing to DIE for that flag. They're willing to DIE for their heritage. They're willing to DIE for their beliefs. They're willing to shoot up a black church and either be killed by the cops or spend the rest of their life in prison. Thats SACRIFICE. They have an extremely high racial pride. Do we? Are we willing to die for each other? Are we even monetarily supporting each other right now. Hell, do we even like and trust each other? I drive up and down these interstates everyday seeing Confederate Flags displaying "white pride" and i still have yet to see even one RBG Flag. Are we not even thinking about maybe starting our own movement of flying our flag? They do it proudly with no fukks given. Until we have a change mentally, no change(whatever your definition of that is) will occur.
Like dude said in the video "There is no power without strength and there is no strength without unity".
Where's our unity? Where's "Black Pride"?
Again, this is by design to keep us in a certain mindstate. Its been going on since slavery. You cant control a mass group of people without having control of their minds.
So basically AA's are fukked![]()
Whites and Latinos would join forces...If by some strange coincidence, Latinos took blacks side, this would be temporary, because then whites would pull out the Ace they've been hiding which is ISIS, and it would be game over.
ISIS was formed in Libya. Rand Paul said Blame 'Hawks in Our Party' for Creating ISIS. And even if he hadn't said that, common sense should tell anyone whats up with them.
We could talk all day about so-called "Savage" niccas, but in the end, an American race war would be over in a couple years, tops.
Actually I'd say half of the Hispanics would join cacs and half would join us.
How would ISIS be relevant here? They'd get they're wigs pushed off. The real situation is Britain would be over here as well as Canada.
Our ace is that the conflict would enable the chinese, north Koreans, even Russians and Arabs to invade.
Besides our military isn't all cac, a big percentage is black. This country would be torn apart, what will they do, nuke themselves?
Russians and Arabs would not side with us; thats not our Ace. Don't forget about the mad Serbs who I feel low key had a hand in training Libyan rebels who would later form ISIS.
No they wouldn't side with us out of admiration, they'd side with us for their own selfish reasons. To destroy the U.S. That distraction would further occupy the nation.
I see this coming like a prophesy breh. America's racism will be it's downfall. It's what all these other countries are waiting for. It's why this country is hesitant to just get it cracking.
The downfall of every empire has come from within.
Have you seen the video From Russia with hate? Do you know there is active Neo-Nazi groups all over the states, but particularly in places like Montana and Texas?
I'm sorry are you confusing White Unity (which they have) with Black Unity (which we don't have)? White communities are very connected and quite unified. While Russians did the same thing as Africans did recently, by trashing American policies especially during the Olympics, they would still unify with white Americans in the event of a Race War.
Lets be serious here, if a war broke out tomorrow, I would want to know all the specifics, who is trained in what, and what their M.O. would be. That would be helpful to blacks in deciding how to proceed.
we see the Js![]()
The cac with the beard been trolling them rednecks all day
I don't agree. I think they would stand back with everyone else and point and laugh while the great abomination that is 2015 America destroyed itself. The world can't sit by while 40 million black Americans are culled by whites.
No I kno you're @charmander .dat moon kricket @mrken12 wood rape dem...da whie wons anyway.
No I kno you're @charmander .
And @mrken12 , you've disappointed me enough already, nikka. I used to think you was a real dude until it's been revealed that you thirst for white women. Smh, I'm disappoint af. Gonna have to put you on ignore now, homie, you truly are not about black pride. You're a fraud.
Let's be honest AAs not about that Revolution / Freedom life.![]()