People are obsessed with breaking up the New Day and I don't understand it. They've built their entire brand around the three of them as a unit. Kofi himself said he wouldn't even be world champion without Woods and E coming to him to create the group, and there isn't a single case you could make that he's wrong in that statement.
On their own, Woods, E, and Kofi were three midcard acts who had all reached their ceiling and in the case of the former two, were about two seconds from losing their jobs. As a group, they're the longest reigning tag team champions, one of the highest merch sellers in the company, have launched a successful youtube channel, done video game tie-ins, are ambassadors for WWE's brand, now have a WWE Champion in their ranks, and are certified Hall of Famers whenever they hang it up. Yet, for whatever reason, folk in TSC think they should risk fukking their money up by doing "tired team break up storyline #3456" just when they've busted through the glass ceiling and have potentially opened new doors for themselves and revitalized their brand. I truly don't get it.