"I'm not picky at all."
And that's how you get stuck in midcard hell, putting over everyone else and occasionally winning titles to drop within 3 months.
Breh, WHY is being in the midcard "stuck in hell" ???
Hackshaw jim duggan
hillbilly jim
Honk e tonk man
New age outlaws
Every horseman ever but sid sting flair and luger
Mr Perfect
Every hart ever but bret
Ron Simmons
British bulldog
Lance Storm
all had or are having GREAT careers, made plenty of money, and are good right now...not everyone is supposed to be champion; sometimes its just like that. But you can draw, make money, entertain, and make a great living.
I don't get the disrespect for mid card guys like they're lifelong losers. Outside of savage, all my favorite wrestlers were guys like that...
Kofi is good; if its his time he'll be there just like how mark henry and CHRIS JERICHO, and kane and big show were. Until then...theres something to respect to NOT having the "Give me the title or theres no point in living

" mentality of losers like john morrison and others 'upset with their spot'