Why do Jordan stans hate on Kobe for this?
I was a Jordan fan and I'm glad he was able to pattern his game after the GOAT. I got to watch another decade from great basketball after Jordan retired cause Kobe played the same way.
You would think Jordan stans would be the biggest Kobe fans cause he plays so much like Jordan.
I'm personally waiting for the next great player who can bite Kobe's entire style so we can have some more great basketball to watch.
It's the Kobe stans that have the audacity to put him before MJ when clearly he hasn't accomplished as much as MJ is the annoying part. You even have Kobe saying that MJ is the greatest & he just wants to be compared to him....the stans still ignore that smh. Plus Kobe takes too many forced shots.
I grew up in both eras, Michael was simply amazing to watch. Kobe is the closest, but he's not better than Michael.