Nomura don't do redesigns for nothing. This screams whatever the next side game is.. Roxas and Kairi looks great! Riku continues to look like Noctis.
With that said Critical mode is fun as shyt. I died on the damn darkside

The fact we can turn off attractions is a god send. I already know once the real dlc hits this game is gonna be a treat.
I beat the game on proud only using kingdom key. Gonna do the same on critical mode. PRAY FOR ME!
Actually I forgot to mention, the picture they used for that is the same one they used for the SuperGroupies clothing line they had as a promotional run for Kingdom Hearts 3. It's clothes based off the characters, designed in a sensible modern style.
『キングダム ハーツⅢ』スペシャルアイテムが発売決定!
The clothes are unisex too (except for Kairi's for obvious reasons lmao), so you can cop the clothes from the store regardless of whether you're a man or woman. Not gonna lie, the Sora stuff looks dope. I might buy the Sora stuff from here. The Roxas and Axel ones look like they have cool watches and scarves too, as well as the hoodies.
Nomura was the one who did the artwork promotion for this, as a way to hype the game, so I guess he decided to reuse it out of convenience. They also had a really nice looking Kingdom Key there, as well as I think other Keyblades there too.
Now if it turns out that it plays a part into what the next game is, then that's dope, but I think this was a case of just reusing what was there. But who knows? I like the modern take either way, so I have no complaints.