Rant incoming, TLDR; diluted Euro trash descendants continue to shoot themselves in the foot instead over the "woke" boogieman.
White boys have turned on their savior.

This is why you never pander to the cultural extremes; they are terminally online losers afflicted with any number of mental illnesses and defects thus they are irrational, emotional and often outright stupid. The pandering will never be enough. These weak gened dweebs were gifted a sequel to their janky but charming cac simulator which improved upon it in every way possible but they are having a meltdown over an optional romance and a "black" character that trash talks the main character's dusty Medieval lifestyle. But shyt, it's
historically accurate 
right? Without modern social norms of courteous politeness and political correctness characters from such vastly different regions and lifestyles would almost certainly openly criticize anything they didn't agree with or make them go
Anti woke cacs needing a safe space from mean words of "woke character."

If they actually lived in that time period a band of highwaymen would take them into the dark wood rape them, torture them, kill a few of them and sell the rest into slavery with a parting rape for the road. Their "ancestors" would be disgusted at the mere thought of such limp wristed, emotional fragile creatures trying to cozy up to them on equal terms. A bar wench wouldn't even give them a sniff of her plague infested p*ssy.
American white people of both political stripes love pandering to Euro trash for validation and the Euros want nothing to do with them.