Got alot to address here so...
No, that is not something that all of or most of D.C. uses. I personally never heard that and I'm out here...
Logic makes songs for "Noob Noob" and he gets more bytches than you do. But, like noob noob, logic is not a vindicator. He also was sounding too much like drake/Cole at one time and real hip hop heads recognized that. Logic is still a work in progress, better than most from the area but that isn't saying much, especially in these watered down times were in...
You don't understand how D.C. got like that, it's important to understand D.C. was a city wide project. Crack was a huge deal here, all the new York crack stories usually have a dc component. Poverty is real here, and them jobs you talking about are not offered to nikkaz

D.C. used to be the murder capital of the world, the wizards changed their name from the bullets. 99lbs or less of marijuana was a misdemeanor until they changed that to an ounce in 2002? (So weed, crack, drama) now it's legal. I could go on and on. What isn't talked about is how racist it is in the DMV area. And how that is why dc got like it got in the first place. You just looking at the aftermath and casting judgement
I hear you talking about haters while hating on Va
I would hit up landover mall to go school shopping. And, well oxen hill Mike's Liquor was open til 2am
20yrs Ago I heard the term 5-0, but the only 12 I know are from Detroit or Jesus crew...
The area you just mentioned is white now. I had a bud man who lived on Emerson. I still go in that area for reasons I cannot share

but yeah, the gentrification movement is real. Dc is now like 27% black, can't even call it chocolate city anymore. They just kicked all the poor out, raised the rent, entire black neighborhoods turned white almost overnight in some places. Howard university surrounding area is all white

they put up white symbols around the city, murals n shyt. Woodbridge Va is the new dc. That's where a lot of people relocated to. I grew up in Va and its not a game out there. The problems out there don't stem from the community, it's the system. Va been preying on nikkaz since the 1600's and black people are not equipped to dealwith it because we believe we are all equal, at least under the law but no... They will target you, and continue slavery via the prison industrial complex.
That game is being played in Virginia more than anywhere else I've seen. And I been all over this country.
For the OG topic of this thread, fat trel isn't known outside of youngins. He's not mainstream, his style from the video posted sounds Like everyone else. Modern day Atlanta sounding. Kids love that, but I think we all can agree we don't NEED another. So he gotta do better if he wants to actually make it. No hate, just an opinion