Every thread? That's up for debate, but I'll add fuel, Every Black household, man or woman dominated should own a gun, hell at one time I owned 9 all legit, and that ain't shyt. Why you think all those gun buy backs were in cities where a lot of Blacks live.. I don't understand why people have such a problem with Black people owning guns.What are you basing this on tho? You parrot this rhetoric in every thread but I’ve yet to see any evidence backing this up. Black men are less than 6% of the population and is even bet that most black men who own guns are off the books and are mainly using them against other blacks anyway. You sound like a shill for the nra.
You make some valid points, but do you really think gun control legislation is going to solve a crime problem? You talk Black on Black crime, but the majority of white gun deaths are committed by white people. Yet that's never brought up as some type of epidemic. This latest school shooting has garnered the most traction, but it's not really going to change anything.