I was really hoping Through Millenniums was going to end up on here as well. The lyrics are
I was really hoping Through Millenniums was going to end up on here as well. The lyrics are
I was really hoping Through Millenniums was going to end up on here as well. The lyrics are
mp3? this album is too much. im a wu stan who wasnt even on priest like that, but god... this album is you. i havent been this intrigued in a hip hop album in years.
PERFECT production for PERFECT lyrics.
a few songs share similar names as jay elect songs, who knows. i hear a few shotshe's really getting at Jay Elec?
do remember Priest has a baby by Amil. I'm sure he's not the biggest camel fan.
a few songs share similar names as jay elect songs, who knows. i hear a few shots
takes a shot on the first and 2nd track.
takes a shot on the first track on 2nd cd.
takes another shot sayin sometin regardin puff and big sometime in the middle of 2nd cd.