Those could be outbursts in the heat of the moment, we're all human. You can't compare it to systematically talking to your own parents as if you are equal partners FOH. Shyt is just disrespectful. Kids are supposed to look up to and be loving to their parents, and yelling to your dad: "Hey Martin, where the hell did you put the remote this time?!!" aint part of that game.
You are dead on, to the outburst in the moment.
As parents do shyt when you are grown like you are not an adult.
On some you will always be a kid shyt.
Plus real talk, parents a lot of them do not want anything for their children.
Plus really do not support their children at all.
Even in their darkest dire most critical hour.
Yet and still, calling your parents by their first name is disrespect on the level of homer and Bart Simpson.
Some basic level cartoon shyt, that no parent should tolerate.
Especially, if you are a single parent and have a child out of wedlock.
On no day would my daughter call me by my first name.
Never that,...damn that.
Art Barr