Eh. Energy is just off. Just seems like he has issues with women in general.
When you’re young and cute like him, yes, you should be able to go on cute little dates, but most girls his exact age and younger are NOT tripping off money and expensive dates. Even if other men are offering that stuff.
As long as he isn’t a shiftless bum, he shouldn’t have any problems on a college campus. A young broke college kid would pray to have his natural good looks. I saw girls competing over dudes who barely looked half as good as him.
Again- cute college kid or young man working who is interacting with other young women who are working. Coli #HandsomeGang ain’t lying. Some of these broads are throwing it out here. Had literal strangers giving me attitudes until they realized I was the homegirl or cousin, not the girlfriend. If he looks like that and has problems with women, IT’S HIM.
Young women want someone young, cute and fun. The smart ones will read his energy and time-wasting and leave him alone. But many of us aren’t smart when we’re younger