Death to the demoness Allegra Geller
But your wife was a single mother and she makes(made?) way more than you, due to her education. And now you all are doing fantastic whereas the brehette you mentioned was talking about moving into a house with no dishwasher. Sohh....Breh, I was raised by both parents, still married both black, my wife is black and we been married for 13 years.
About 75-80% of what he says is spot on, my wife pretty much agrees with what he says also.
He is not black woman bashing.
The the heart of his content is this
The same 80% of women are chasing the same 15% of men. These men make north of 100k..and the top 10 is north of 150k
Those men want absolute submissiveness, a women in shape, a pretty face, a women who can cook and an clean, stay at home and raise the children...he also bbelieves the man should be the soul provider so the women can stay home. And dont want women who already have kids
However most of his female callers cant make a peanut butter in jelly sandwich, cant clean and alot of them have kids, an major debt. Alot of them have good jobs and degrees however its meaningless to a high value man who will assume all financial responsibility.
Which is pissing alot black women off..
Basically KS is pro @HarlemHottie.....her relationship/marriage is what he promotes, however modern women are pro PhD, degrees, Have kids out of wedlock and remedial relationships skills however they make money and have degrees, but high value men dont care about there degrees or earnings
Isn't working the independent single mother the way to go