You trying to push some narrative of older men (30s and 40s) impregnating young women (20s)
in mass to prove why there's a discrepancy in parenthood rates between black men and black women. While there are some cases of this....I think I speak for everyone in here when I say the average black woman with kids doesn't have a baby father that's ten years older than her. So imma go with the easier women (or women in general) are getting pregnant in their 20s by a small number of men. The 20 percent. This explains why there's a discrepancy in parenthood rates between young black women and young black men, as well as a discrepancy in sexual encounters
and STIs as well. And then as black women and black men get older, these single mothers move on to the other 80% of men, and then have children with them, and make them stepfathers to the kid/kids they already have. This explains why you start seeing higher statistics of black men with kids by age 40. This lines up with reality as you can definitely find tons of black men who have families where there are 2 or 3 kids in the household but, the oldest one was from an earlier relationship, or how men say there are mostly only single mothers left after a certain age. Now depending on how your outlook is, you can say these women are moving on to the other men as they get older because they matured and decided to find a man who could be a good father and partner or you can say its because they're washed up, can't get the Tupacs in a Business Suit anymore and decided to settle down with a lame (in their opinion) they wouldn't have wanted in their prime