This has always confused the hell out of me.
It's so illogical it gives me a headache.
Oh, It gets worse that's just the tip:
In addition to expecting the trust to remain in tact the 'cheated on' partner is supposed to deal with betrayal
while trying to get over/work through hurt/damaged feelings & psyche - The cheater doesn't want to do the emotional heavy lifting and work (accoutability, making the relationship whole, etc) and doesn't want to be transparent either. Oftentimes, the cheater hasn't severed ties with side piece(s) (communication, sex, etc) and goes even deeper into hiding their cheating.
Cheating is so destructive in a multitude of ways. Once trust is broken it's extremely difficult to regain...
I would rather leave than put forth effort into restoring something so crucial that I didn't destroy in the first place. I also would feel awkward & exhausted dealing with the type & amount of transparency it would take to convince me that you're not mutting me out...much too aggravating & deflating:
- installing spyware on the keyboard, phone, car, looking for apps, etc
- watching you like a hawk
- expecting my call to be answered in 5 nano seconds or it's war
- giving me an accounting of activities and then me following up. ie - You stopped by your Mom's house after work? You better video call me while visiting her, etc
- don't jump in the shower as soon as you come through the door and don't smell just showered either.
- checking your set after sex...if not enough came out then answer for where/who the rest went to
- me hating myself for staying AND you most likely have contempt for me staying too
- on and on and on and on....
I'm the type to trust until shown otherwise. So me doing any of the above would drive me up the wall, work my nerves, and breed hatred. I'd rather not deal at all & walk. I love and value peace & tranquility over playing snoopologist & having no pride.
ETA - typos