These simps got these hoes gassed up beyond belief. They said men are jealous that they’re making money, but men are the reason why they’re making money in the first place.

Lol I've been working my way through his earlier shows and on one he asked a caller, 'Can women take care of themselves without a man?'
'Yes, I've know a woman who does. She takes full of care of herself.'
'The house that's she's in. Did she build it?'
'Yes, mmhmm. She built her house.'
'She ran the plumbing, she...'
'Oh, no. No. I thought you meant... No, she didn't build it.'
Women's brains don't operate in reality, they're like characters in a video game.
Every thing that's exists now is just "there" and has always been here. Women think stuff like clean water and plumbing was "manifested" into existence.

Where does food come from...? "The grocery store, duh." You might get one who says, "A farm," but even then, they think a population three hundred and sixty million people can be fed by community gardens or some shyt. It's like dealing with an ungrateful child.

Imagine a hundred and fifty years ago, the average man worked hard labor outside or in a factory for sixty-seventy hours a week until the day he died... only for his late 1990s female descendants to grow up and be a hundred pounds overweight, sitting in individual climate-controlled rooms complaining about the temperature.

And how men are trash and unneeded.

How many contraceptives - that important thing that allows women to fukk the whole campus and not get pregnant so they can go on to have careers - have been invented by women? (None.) How many women contributed to the techniques that have led to relatively safe baby-killing in the womb? (None.) How many women were involved in establishing early gynecology? (None.)