The more I peep this the more it becomes clear this is not a serious man or program. This is not a guy who has a clue what straight high value men think or want. You can tell he doesn’t talk to these men, or know any.
Do you know who men who are engineers, doctors, lawyers, etc date and marry? Women who are engineers, doctors, lawyers, etc. They’re looking for women who make a lot of money and come from good educational backgrounds. Yet KS argues men don’t care what women make. Are you serious? Take your unemployed 23yo housewife to a social society club and see what happens. You won’t be invited back lmao.
Its 2021. The Betty Draper era was over decades ago. Successful men look for successful women. It’s the best way to advance socially and economically. Having two high earners married is the goal. Not surprising that a gay man wouldn’t know this.