The funny thing is these guys are so wrapped up with being high value because the term sounds nice, but Kevin Samuels is making them beta male providers.
He is basically telling men to marry these women and take care of them.
The problem with that is like I said before, he thinks that is the absolute, he thinks that once you marry you’ll have her and that’s it, which isn’t true.
Then he says it’s better to be divorced than to not have been married at all.
Well is it better to spend money on alimony when y’all divorce? Because you definitely will spend that money because you basically took care of her and she didn’t work.
What Kevin says makes sense because it’s just telling men to get with younger women with no baggage, which I’m sure no guy is against, but getting married in 6 months to a year?
I don’t see how that makes sense, especially since the women he recommends should be 21+.
Kevin doesn’t even talk about how you should get respect from your wife and not have her see you as some trick or how to maintain that marriage.
Everything can’t be work, gotta have advice for home so men can keep their sanity.