Its not about respect... Well its more about "respect" in a hazing way like : "We're miserable and we will only elevate other people who have to deal with the same misery as us" type of respect.
This is all white man shyt. Most black men ain't getting invited to all that. Besides, I rather me and the wife start our own business.
Them are the same dudes that get cheated on or complain about paying thousands in child supportWhat purpose is there to get married this day and age with divorce rates so high? I'd get some young side pieces and bring them through
He's mostly talking about middle management types of his generation. Who mostly kissed ass to to get their positions and move up the Corporate ladder. You are expected to be carbon copies of each other or they look at you funny.
But these days in a global market place. High value skills trump kissing up to your Boss. Who maybe located on the other side of the globe.
If you still working in these old industries where it's the good old boys club in charge he has a point.
But I personally avoid companies like this who want to know everything about your personal life. Or hang out together after work because they don't have any friends of their own. All their buddies are people on the job it seems.
Us dudes who are 6 figure, 6 certs don't really have to worry about stuff like this. Especially now with work-from-home being the norm going forward. Hell my closest co-worker lives in the Midwest while I'm on the East Coast. The rest of the team is spread out over Asia and Europe. His way is the old way where everyone worked at the same company for 30 years. That day is dead for the most part and not coming back.
I don't agree with Kevin's Corporate philosophy at all. Ever since he made a video about some CEO's wife mistaking him for the waiter at a Corporate function. And he didn't even check her because he feared for his job.
Sounds like the chick in this article who sold her soul just to move up the Corporate ladder. I don't see how these bootlickers look at themselves in the mirror. I've worked with clowns like this before and it's cringe worthy the hoops they jump through just to fit in.
Commentary: Why I decided to stop playing the 'safe' Black role in Corporate America
"I’ve not been able to fully embrace my Black identity at work," writes Katherine Thompson, "and my employers have lost the opportunity to benefit from the diverse experiences and background I bring their organizations as a Black professional."
At an early age, I learned to alter my Blackness through the art of code-switching. My mother was a lawyer and knew what it took to thrive and survive in a world not always equal or equitable. I took her generational lessons, culturally adapted, and evolved into what I call a “Black Corporate Chameleon.”
Most successful men are married in any walk of life, don't listen to Conventional Coli wisdom of #GMB
Married men have all pressure in world. Work ya ass off to come home to a nagging wife and kids who drain your energy .Being single may keep me from certain promotions and perks in corporate America but at least I have peace of mind at end of day.
Divorced twicewhats his wife lookin like?
he seems wild mango
I think it's because their parents and grandparents push younger people to uphold these outdated traditions. It's never about what the individual wants.This is wishful thinking. If you look at the income/wealth breakdowns by ethnicity, Indians & Asians are likely at the top of the food chain. These groups are also more traditional in terms of marriage.
Same ones who promote you will fire you faster.Being black in corporate America way harder.Exactly. Quality of life is more important to me than the "possibility" of a promotion.