Kevin Samuels Discussion Thread


The Goshfather
Jan 20, 2015
South Central Los Angeles So Wut U Wanna Do??
Just peeped the IG clip with the 36 year old stripper lol smh.

Just pathetic
She was the female co-host on my podcast that I did a few years ago…chick was all over the place needless to say she was replaced quickly :mjlol:

Lord Bison

Mar 21, 2017
These Gen Z dudes so HOH, that if these boring bytches ask for $$ too much or anything like that, them dudes would walk out. It wasn't like that 10-15 years ago, when I was broke and other broke brehs like me back then were spending lots on random hoes. That's why these women of today are so angry at young dudes.

Keep up the good work Yung brehs :banderas:


Sep 11, 2015
She was the female co-host on my podcast that I did a few years ago…chick was all over the place needless to say she was replaced quickly :mjlol:

She'll always have a bf, because she is cute. Nobody is wifing her. She'll at most get pregnant but she's probably had abortions or some shyt.

She doesn't get it, fast life is getting old along with her.

Apollo Creed

Look at your face
Feb 20, 2014
Handsome Boyz Ent
Nope. Young dudes wana smoke, take a walk with a bottle and see if there’s a “vibe”


I’m not mad at that. But I also don’t mind going to a nice bar / lounge have a drink with some r&b / jazz with a bad one in front of me.

its pulling chicks cards. If we really want to get to know each other then it doesn't matter what we do, being in each others company should be enough.

Dates reserved for chicks you have had sex with.


Aug 26, 2015
Watched the monologue of an older episode.

Women and dogs.

My girlfriend wants a dog and I'm all for one. But I do see a trend with women, especially single ones, who are "dog moms". That was always off putting to me.

When my grandmother had dogs I remember how as she got older it was harder for her to take care of them. They would pee and shed around the house. I've been on a few dates with women that owned dogs and the dog's smell would take on the entire house. Also when you get into cooking their hair gets everywhere, etc. I'm not eating out of most "dog mom" houses :hhh:

A couple friend of ours has a large Doberman that I've known since he was a puppy and I like him. The issue sometimes arises when the wife of that couple ALWAYS wants to bring the dog with her to every activity and she feels bad leaving it, so she ends up bring them. The dog is well behaved though but I'd be super frustrated if he wasn't or someone brought a dog over that was wild.

That's what men in the dating scene have to deal with now. Women and these dogs they have.
Nov 18, 2016
For a minute I thought the whole "dog mom" shyt was a running joke. But taking a look at Instagram and a dating site has me:


Women proudly putting that on their profiles. These women are out here using pets as coping mechanisms when they can't find a man to give them a baby because to some of these women no man will ever be good enough.

One more thing, the other night Kevin said women with an 18 year old and a 2 year old is a thing. Empty nest syndrome and the need to lock in the next child support contract since the first one is running out.



Sep 11, 2015
Watched the monologue of an older episode.

Women and dogs.

My girlfriend wants a dog and I'm all for one. But I do see a trend with women, especially single ones, who are "dog moms". That was always off putting to me.

When my grandmother had dogs I remember how as she got older it was harder for her to take care of them. They would pee and shed around the house. I've been on a few dates with women that owned dogs and the dog's smell would take on the entire house. Also when you get into cooking their hair gets everywhere, etc. I'm not eating out of most "dog mom" houses :hhh:

A couple friend of ours has a large Doberman that I've known since he was a puppy and I like him. The issue sometimes arises when the wife of that couple ALWAYS wants to bring the dog with her to every activity and she feels bad leaving it, so she ends up bring them. The dog is well behaved though but I'd be super frustrated if he wasn't or someone brought a dog over that was wild.

That's what men in the dating scene have to deal with now. Women and these dogs they have.

I've gotten to a point where I can't stand them dayum dogs, the fact of them being there is an issue for me. Lol, I don't know what it is, and I'm not even against dogs like that, never been, but when a chick tells me or shows me a picture of their dog, I just cringe, like fukk man, gotta deal with this shyt.

On another not, not sure if any brehs have had this going on, women who complain about their job, like it's the end of the world, shyt just be so pathetic to hear, especially those who are in the medical caring field.
Burnt out, but they have enough energy to go to brunch and happy hour or turn up, shyt be so sad, life is all over the place. No structure.
I just listen long enough to get the p*ssy and be out. Sometimes I don't even listen, I just say, "you need a man to save you" you won't make it to 50, you need a sucka to clean save your ass. Saying that, the light bulb clicks with some. smh.
27-35, moving like high school chicks smh. Complain about working all the time. They hate being an adult

Just Pathetic.


Sep 11, 2015
For a minute I thought the whole "dog mom" shyt was a running joke. But taking a look at Instagram and a dating site has me:


Women proudly putting that on their profiles. These women are out here using pets as coping mechanisms when they can't find a man to give them a baby because to some of these women no man will ever be good enough.

One more thing, the other night Kevin said women with an 18 year old and a 2 year old is a thing. Empty nest syndrome and the need to lock in the next child support contract since the first one is running out.


That stings there, more men that are in their mid 30s and late 30s need to pay attention to this trap. Dating a woman with an older child, she may see you as a come up or someone who can save her by getting preggo by you. They'll use that to keep you around, especially if you're a dude who has no kids, got his shyt together and can up and go at ease. No Attachments. You are structure and they are not, you may be on the hit list of a woman that has a mindset like that.


Aug 26, 2015
I've gotten to a point where I can't stand them dayum dogs, the fact of them being there is an issue for me. Lol, I don't know what it is, and I'm not even against dogs like that, never been, but when a chick tells me or shows me a picture of their dog, I just cringe, like fukk man, gotta deal with this shyt.

On another not, not sure if any brehs have had this going on, women who complain about their job, like it's the end of the world, shyt just be so pathetic to hear, especially those who are in the medical caring field.

Burnt out, but they have enough energy to go to brunch and happy hour or turn up, shyt be so sad, life is all over the place. No structure.

I just listen long enough to get the p*ssy and be out. Sometimes I don't even listen, I just say, "you need a man to save you" you won't make it to 50, you need a sucka to clean save your ass. Saying that, the light bulb clicks with some. smh.

27-35, moving like high school chicks smh. Complain about working all the time. They hate being an adult

Just Pathetic.

I always said that I like dogs but dog people infuriate me. My girlfriend wants a dog and I would be okay with it but I just don't like dog hair everywhere, but luckily she wants something tiny.

I also notice that dogs have to be socialized to interact with other dogs. My friend recently got a really cute Havanese (side-note: Her husband and I have been trying to have a kid for 5 - 6 years now and at this point the puppy is a therapy dog), but we had to be concerned about that dog being harmed by our other friend's Doberman. When you get a dog you have to worry about that stuff, taking them out, temperment, travel accommodations, etc. It's a lot of work. Since we're a few years in our relationship I'd probably be more inclined to but being I WFH I'd have to bear the brunt of taking care of it I think which I'd have to really like the dog to want it.

My girlfriend is an educator and it's emotionally draining and taxing on her and sometimes I end up doing some of the house stuff so I'd probably push back on the dog thing if I feel she's not pulling her weight on it.

Also yes - Brunch/Happy Hour/Turn Up. I'm glad that's not what my girl is into. My younger self would tolerate this more but not at this age.

Ultimately men offer structure to a woman's life. Doing the hard stuff for them also. Women offer nurturing for men. Being able to take care of them in that sense. YES many of these women need "saving" in the sense because not everyone is built for the stress of work. Look at people leaving jobs during this pandemic which has been a wakeup call for people. Women have been doing this the most. If you're customer facing it definitely takes a toll on you and frankly many women aren't built for that which is why many need a man despite operating in a different manner.
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The Goshfather
Jan 20, 2015
South Central Los Angeles So Wut U Wanna Do??
She'll always have a bf, because she is cute. Nobody is wifing her. She'll at most get pregnant but she's probably had abortions or some shyt.

She doesn't get it, fast life is getting old along with her.
She would always brag about some overseas basketball player that she was in love with and her main celebrity was Terrace Martin…but he put her in the bushes after a 5 year off and on relationship :mjlol:
Nov 18, 2016
On another not, not sure if any brehs have had this going on, women who complain about their job, like it's the end of the world, shyt just be so pathetic to hear, especially those who are in the medical caring field.
Burnt out, but they have enough energy to go to brunch and happy hour or turn up, shyt be so sad, life is all over the place. No structure.

Complain about working all the time. They hate being an adult

Just Pathetic.

All I heard from 2000-2010 was that there were more women in college than ever before, more women are obtaining degrees, more women are out earning men, etc etc etc and plenty of women bought into that and went the school route, cool, no problem. What they weren't told was that at the end of that rainbow it's nothing but working 5 days a week, a couple of bullshyt vacations per year, leaving school with a student loan debt of -$132,401.20 waking up one day after being in that "career" for 5 years and being 34, no man is good enough because she earning 100K (even though she in the hole 100 racks), and the pot of gold at the end of that rainbow is really a big pot of shyt. Women ain't built for that life.

What percentage of the total household bills do you wanna be responsible for?

So why did you go to school?
Kevin I'm tired of working.