Alan Roger Creepy is 

right now 

You can jump into it when someone who's truly connected adds you as a +1 but you will be out of place and you gotta overcome. I still remember getting an invite to this Inkwell Real Estate event, I told a girl I went to college at my alma, she looked at me likeShe is.
She’s trying to keep up with a lifestyle she doesn’t understand. Going broke to look a certain way, have network events to look “important”. Women don’t understand, that this lifestyle / class isn’t something you can just jump into. It’s something you’re born into. Very few cases where a middle class woman is picked up and brought up to an upper class family. (Only in movies) and it gets harder especially at age 36.
They just want the luxury life they see on IG.
You can jump into it when someone who's truly connected adds you as a +1 but you will be out of place and you gotta overcome. I still remember getting an invite to this Inkwell Real Estate event, I told a girl I went to college at my alma, she looked at me like, said disappointing, and just walked away. When I initially came up, she was blushing and making
What's crazy is I would go to elite college events with my little sis and all of them were kind, real, and we networked.
Goddam. It's like that out here?
Alan Roger Creepy isright now
Alan Roger Creepy isright now
Alan Roger Creepy isright now
This thread is great. More men waking up. The simp vaccine being distributed.
She's straight lying...This chick on the phone; in a relationship, educated, good job...stupid ass hell.
KS has exposed that woman DO NOT family plan. They DO NOT.
She sound DUMB as hell with this Tyler Perry, "When I'm emotionally mature"Girl shut the fukk up and move on from that man
You lost....take your L