I love seeing my people progress. I love it.
I didn't know Kevin dropped by The Lead Attorneys livestream yesterday
This guy is the sneakiest person on Youtube. People will join his panel and he nods his head in agreement, then break down everything they said 2 days later
I really do think that bisexuality would help the vast majority of black men develop long lasting, and meaningful, relationships with one another. There is so much incentive to having sex with women, and so much effort and thought put into having sex with women. Imagine if just as much effort and thought were put into developing long lasting relationships between black men. A challenge/threat/source of insecurity would suddenly become a source of joy which would then blossom into platonic relationship between two black men who viewed each other as equal. I think this is what KS was getting at in that one video where he spoke about black men learning to enjoy intimate relations with other black men. If we could spend our younger years embracing one another, and not paying so much attention to the opposite sex, then that could create a solid network of creativity, innovation, and an organized foundation for life long relationships. And at that point, the focus could then be put back on women, and just think about all of the emotional intelligence that would be available to offer a black woman.
I really do think that bisexuality would help the vast majority of black men develop long lasting, and meaningful, relationships with one another. There is so much incentive to having sex with women, and so much effort and thought put into having sex with women. Imagine if just as much effort and thought were put into developing long lasting relationships between black men. A challenge/threat/source of insecurity would suddenly become a source of joy which would then blossom into platonic relationship between two black men who viewed each other as equal. I think this is what KS was getting at in that one video where he spoke about black men learning to enjoy intimate relations with other black men. If we could spend our younger years embracing one another, and not paying so much attention to the opposite sex, then that could create a solid network of creativity, innovation, and an organized foundation for life long relationships. And at that point, the focus could then be put back on women, and just think about all of the emotional intelligence that would be available to offer a black woman.
I did it briefly in boot camp but that was required for everyone. I'm actually going to get back into it. Going to check out a Krav Maga studio next week.Who here has done martial arts or some form of self defense?
This is what annoys me about the women who call in. If you have no intention of calling in or request to be on his live then you can wear whatever but if you have the intention then wear something decent, have some decent lighting, have your phone held on a holder, etc. Not saying you need to wear your Sunday best but could it hurt to at least be presentable or/and be able to talk without constant distractions.I don’t want to say “bums” but idk.
Me knowing I was potentially going to be on a show with thousands of people watching I grabbed a pressed black long sleeve t shirt out my closet.
Some of the guys were in there with wife beaters on, wrinkle t-shirts, etc.
While most might not think this is an issue, I actually care what I appear like at all times, but that’s just the way I carry myself.
I tried to get on the show to but it was so many men in the zoom waiting room.
Also some dudes were walking around with shirts off, walking around in general using a cell phone camera. Some in there bedroom at home with a desk in the corner, meanwhile I'm in my actual office at home.
Just by being in the zoom waiting room getting a sample of Kev's listeners I just thought to myself, "this is his audience huh". That said, I'm sure The Coli would be the same if we could really see who's behind these post.
Most Millennials are going to deal with this situation soon. I bought a home over the summer, within the past 2 months my mom decides she wants to sell her house because of the equity. Been following up with her and is totally nonchalant with finding a new place and closing in 2 weeks. Now doesn't want to rent an apartment because she doesn't want people to know when she comes and goes without a garageSo this single 27 year old lady in DC. Watching house hunters and she looking for a house. Her mom all on her back talking about I think of it as “our house”. Mama expecting her to take care of her. Tf? Sister daughter.