I really do think that bisexuality would help the vast majority of black men develop long lasting, and meaningful, relationships with one another. There is so much incentive to having sex with women, and so much effort and thought put into having sex with women. Imagine if just as much effort and thought were put into developing long lasting relationships between black men. A challenge/threat/source of insecurity would suddenly become a source of joy which would then blossom into platonic relationship between two black men who viewed each other as equal. I think this is what KS was getting at in that one video where he spoke about black men learning to enjoy intimate relations with other black men. If we could spend our younger years embracing one another, and not paying so much attention to the opposite sex, then that could create a solid network of creativity, innovation, and an organized foundation for life long relationships. And at that point, the focus could then be put back on women, and just think about all of the emotional intelligence that would be available to offer a black woman.