Caller: Kevin, don’t put me on the screen, I look a mess.
Kevin: *flashes her pic on the screen 20 seconds later*
Also, people don't realize that once you hit 40 years old for most of us, man or woman, but moreso women, your life is what It is at that point. there won't be any major life altering changes going on. you literally start getting old and tired.
Kevin should do a show on the average income of these young “bosses and CEOs”
Idk why they believe the can get 6 figures from selling weave and lashes. If it were that easy, then everyone would do it.
exactly lol. I used to be militant but man after seeing what Black men got for their sacrifices I'm just like man brothers need to do what makes them happy and on their terms. I want to see more black men genuinely happy opposed to living in a struggle in a world that doesn't love them. I've said it and others have said it but the only woman who will give you unconditional love is ya mama, and once she gone thats that. Nothing wrong with conditional love but Black men get held to the conditions yet our counterpart want no conditions lol, yet look at the divorce numbers (we get left for not meeting the conditions of our wife, yet often times we stuck around with our conditions not being met in order to keep the family in tact while being miserable).
The interracial divorce rates for black men are even higher.
Our issues are independent of women.
Holy shyt that single mother of 2 who think shes gona be a millionaire is fukkn delusional
No pedo but
So what if he is gay
Gay men can’t give relationship advice I straight people?