So true, it at times is not worth the headache, the energy, the inviting someone into your personnel space with off energy and baggage can be a set back for yourself. Having too many or a few off energies that don't match yours can throw a person whole vibration off. You know when you have ran into a woman with baggage, when things are over with, it feels like a heavy boulder has been lifted off your shoulders or you get back focused per say.
Baggage it seems that many women have, whether it be kids, her mental state (the mental part is a common issue, a lot of women don't know how to really live life, most think that you have to do something grand or be somewhere where to enjoy life. Be on the scene makes life or a relationship/datingship "popping" to some, I understand you don't wanna be bored, but I do also understand, doing something simple brings joy to a person, walking, hiking, puzzles.
I can't tell you the last time, I met a chick who said she did a puzzle lol. That is a hobby and it stimulates the mind, puzzles and jazz or R&B music is relaxing.
KS said that women may call a man cheap or frugal but most women have bad spending habits/reckless with their money, while that man may understand his means. That's the disconnect.
But what you stated, that baggage part is big, just a personality and bad mind-set can be baggage. Adult women, thinking like a child can become a burden.
Just smashing a chick you gotta worry about
2.Mental State (lotta folks have legit mental illnesses + trauma)
3.Past Relationship bagge (bad ass kids or power simp ex who cant get over her)
4.Chicks dabbling in witchcraft
Then from the commitment aspect all the above + Debt load.