I thought dealing with a combative, overweight woman was a normal, to be expected thing. Made me realize, it was a matter of self esteem, something I never addressed. I'd put up with a woman being overweight and having a bad attitude even though I have stayed in shape and tried my damndest to "mind my manners" around the women I dealt with. It's not normal for this imbalance.
I know what I'm worth, KS helped me with the beginning parts, and I finished with fully realizing it as time has gone on. I can imagine this has been the case for many a black men. A lot of black men have low self esteem dealing with anything from a woman as long as she has a fat ass or big titties or even in some cases, give him ANY play. KS is making a lot of men reconsider their worth.
It's still early in the morning so I don't know if I'm entirely clear.