Playboy you don’t even have to defend yourself to that nicca.
For real, that’s a mindset he grew up with and nobody can change that.
However, he himself:
- threw a sissy fit because his homeboy didn’t come to his baby shower
- has a wife RIGHT NOW with Post-Partum Depression. And instead of seeing to her,
he on here condemning people about non-existent kids
You can’t make sense to nobody like that.
You are right, man...
I honestly don't care, but I felt the need to make a point..
One thing I learned in life is to let people live life on their own terms. Yeah, there are people who think like that poster. But, there are also people out there who do not. I have had people tell me that I am smart by not having kids.
It isn't that I don't want kids, but rather, I strongly prefer to have them as a married man as opposed to siring children out of wedlock. I was born within a marriage, my grandparents had their kids within marriage and so forth.. I just want to keep the tradition going..
Lastly, you know that men can have kids up to damn near to their death bed. They may have to seed up child bearing aged women, but it is possible. A different situation than women.
I could understand someone looking at an older person crazy if he was middle aged, homeless (but not 5150) or lazy, jobless or lacked motivation to become a productive citizen in life.
But, anyone who may be childless but have a stable career, owns property, has a clean record and isn't out there causing strife is winning in my book!
Having kids is no guarantee that said person will not die alone. I am sure there are plenty of parents out there who are in nursing homes and hospices whose kids don't give a rat's ass nor flying fukk about them just waiting for them to die so the kids can collect the insurance or inheritance.
It's all good though..
To each one's own!