This thread is the very problem Kevin was talking about. I made sure to actually watch the video before commenting, did you, OP? Just being a part of the problem...tearing the image of another black man down. @ViShawn IF you are a black man, and that's a HUGE IF, you should be incredibly ashamed of yourself of the dishonest thread title alone.
People don't understand that the mindset precedes the clothing, and not reverse..
Just like the thread on here about people using Klarna to pay for exotic trips.. The trip is the fruits of hard work and sacrifice.. Once I step off the plane coming back home, Im done paying for that shyt.. If I can't afford to go, then I just don't go.. That vacation is only a week, that debt can be years.. Whats the risk/rewards ratio here?
Same with dressing a certain way.. If a certain establishment says they have a dress code, it's because they know certain attire attract a certain mindset.. That certain mindset usually comes with problems.. Problems like the brother who owns the Dallas restaurant, with the twerking customers, didn't like..
Restaurant owners don't have time to screen every single customer that comes into their establishment.. All they know is a certain attire brings a certain crowd of people with a mindset.. This knowledge is gathered over years of observations from restaurant owners.. Well dressed people usually carry themselves in a more favorable manner.. And its not racist because black restaurant owners are doing this as well..
So what these people need to do is grow the up, and realize every setting isn't for them.. If you can't abide by the dress code, then leave.. Fck your money, take that shyt someplace else. If they were confident in who they are they wouldn't care.. But being that people have a hard time handling rejection, we have this friction in understanding..