let's hold up on the criticism, these type of of contracts should be given a chance
Ruto is done out here
crooked azz m7>>>>>Ruto
@papa pimp - I don’t think you understand geopolitics and how this will ultimately impoverish Kenyans.
Can you enlighten us on how Kenyans acting as imperialist foot soldiers in Haiti is a good thing?
I'm not pro Ruto but it damn sure isn't because of a US state visit or alignment
You be in threads about central African countries thats super dirt poor with more Russian mercenaries than troops and 90% of mines Chinese-owned cheering the leadership on so the hypocrisy just funny to see.
Do you understand the meaning of the term 'hypocrisy'? I am against Western hegemony as it has enslaved, colonized, stolen land, and killed tens of millions of Africans from the 1500s to the present day.
Do you support Western hegemony? The very same evil force that forcibly brought your ancestors to the United States and subjected them to centuries of slavery, racial segregation, sexual violence, and other physical abuses?
Seems like a scheme to pump more international students into the AUC
This is the "both sides" thing Democrats do
I don't support Western imperialism nor do I support Russian mercs running around wrecking shyt while China extracts all the resources either.
Can't say the same for you![]()
I, unlike a lot of neoconservative posters on the Coli, am ideologically consistent.
I am a pan-African socialist who much prefers a multipolar world. Chipping away at Western hegemony in Africa is essential. We need partners to conduct that work - similar to how Africans were aided by the Soviet Union, China, and Cuba to defeat Apartheid armies, funded by YOUR country, in the 1970s and 1980s.
You can't lecture me. The politics of your country betrays your envy.
You're hilariousSave the history lessons when I can reference whats going on NOW to see the end game. You will be kicking this same game 10 years from now with nothing to show for it......then the 10 years after that....and so forth holding out hope the enemy of your enemy is your friend.
Dude said partners like whats going on even approaches an equivalent exchange
We see what's happening right now.
America and its allies destroyed Libya - which led to millions of arms washing over West Africa, particularly the Sahel. Jihadist groups in West Africa used these arms to start up groups like Boko Haram, Ansaru, and Al Qaeda in the Sahel. Black people are being traded as slaves in open markets because of your country right now.
France, a staunch American ally, is being kicked out of several African countries because of several decades of economic exploitation. France, once again - an American ally, has also toppled over 30 African governments. Revolutionary African leaders who have kicked out the threat are being threatened with sanctions and regime change.
Britain, a staunch American ally, has so thoroughly polluted Nigeria's Niger Delta, with the assistance of Nigerian dictators that it installed, that cancer is common place there.
The European Union, a staunch American ally, is paying African autocrats to oppress their peoples and kill migrants who are fleeing Africa - because of Western meddling. Egypt (a regime supported by the US), Morocco (a regime supported by the US), Tunisia (a regime supported by the EU - allies of the US), and Libya (destroyed because of America's meddling) have massacred thousands of Black Africans in the past ten years.
Do you really want me to go on to describe how evil America is?
You keep talking about the West thinking you're giving an history lesson but can't see the forest from the trees
you diasporans are all such unserious people.
good luck chipping away with your "partners"![]()
I’m not giving history lesson. I’m telling you what America and its allies are doing right now. But since you’re a know-nothing, you don’t know how to intellectually respond and so you’re describing it as “history”.
So out of your depth.![]()
You're not "telling" me anything
You haven't even been to Africa which is why you think the Chinese and Russian are your partners
Never made the "West gone help Africa" argument but its all you can rely on when confronted with the fact China and Russia aint helping either.
No wonder the Africans in Africa clown folks like you when I"m out there![]()