Anyone who gets married without a prenup is stupid. Marriage is a legal binding contract that makes you ONE person in the eyes of the law. It it’s all about “love” then don’t legalize it.
The courts also need to stop draining men with this bullshyt. I understand you need money to support the kid, and that includes money you need to live. So spousal support should only be the amount of rent needed for a modest apartment, or house in that area, with a reasonable amount of bedrooms, within a certain mileage range to the residence of the other parent.
I think a lot of men view these payments as paying for the ex to buy bags and shoes, but the needs of the kids have to be considered. If they were going to private school, and living a certain lifestyle, going to a public school, and living in a trailer may not be the best option.
And maybe he did something wrong. Not all men who get divorced are loving husbands with gold digging wives. (But some are) She wanted him for his money, and he wanted her for her looks. She didn’t marry a broke man, and he didn’t marry a fat slob. Or maybe they were in love, and things didn’t work out. That’s normal, which is why you need a PRE NUP!!!!!! Stop thinking about feelings, and think about logic.
I’m not GMB, because I want to have a wife and children, and live a good life, and pass things down. But I’m not so stupid to think a woman isn’t going to care about my income.